I decided to do something a bit similar to Chappy here, and will post it here in the OOC for everyone to see a bit easier than on the sheet. If Tina's perspective on someone is a bit off, I primarily focused on portraying how she would feel based on the 'personality' portions of people's sheets. She wouldn't pry into people's lives after all. That being said, input is welcome if you think I misinterpreted the personalities. [i]Imirria Val’dannis[/i] "Miri's a bit of a shy sort in my book, but you can't really judge someone like that. I mean, I call her Miri to make it easy on myself, but I don't really know her too well so I'm probably a bit more friendly than I should be. All in all, I don't disagree or conflict with her at all, but I look forward to getting to know the gal- quiet types always intrigue me, you know. I had far too many in my old profession." [i]Warwick Blackbriar[/i] "This guy's one pretty cool bastard! I mean, I tried to integrate into the whole farm life thing, but this guy legitimately has that whole 'the land is my life' thing going on. He looks like a tough guy, and I'm sure as hell glad he's on my team. Oh. And the bison. Who the hell rides bison? This guy. That's who." [i]Peren Di-Jaga[/i] "I get the feeling he doesn't like me. I mean, I know he's with a merchant guild...and I know he sees the brand...and I can't really hide the missing finger...so it's only natural he's apprehensive of me. How do I see him? Oh, well...he seems a decent enough sort, certainly a damn bit better than the old merchants of Bridgetower." [i]James Morter[/i] "He's an older guy, what can I say? I find him amusing enough, but I don't know what to really say about him. I think I'd like to poke at him just to see how grumpy he could be, and butting heads with someone can be fun from time to time, if it's the right kind of guy, you know?" [i]Gryffyth Wolfsblood[/i] "This guy's a lot like some of my old friends amongst the Forty Thieves. Excitable, full of energy, and the guy definitely seems to have this force of will behind him. I can definitely see us being chummy, though he has a bit of a blabber on 'im, so that might make me a bit wary at first. Not that I plan on doing anything secret anymore, you know." [i]Thaddeus, the Watchful Man[/i] "I think Thaddeus and I will get along fine. I don't pry, he doesn't offer much. He doesn't pry, I don't offer much. He's got a dedicated sort of air about him, and I respect that. The job comes first. I've used that mantra for years, lost a few friends because of it, but I respect the guy. He let me tag along when all I seemed to be was just some farm girl, which in my opinion took some crazy guts, but I don't plan on letting the guy down."