James didn't care that much about Dodger. He was always more into women and other than the nickname 'Righty', the teasing was light. Dodger was rather charming, and the most James ever cared to tease him was ruining his chances with some of the women he wooed. There were so many it didn't matter much. Dodger always came away with a trinket whether they took to him or not. His thievery really was remarkable. James always checked himself after being around him. It didn't seem he took anything this time before he left. James already took careful notice of the location of the infirmary, and a room that looked like it could be used for magical testing. Even though he didn't research it much himself, he did like to see what magicians could imagine. He didn't expect to be a subject here much though. He was brought simply for his transformation's muscle. He ended up following Rapunzel into the kitchen a minute after she had. He hadn't eaten either, but he wasn't sure what he would eat now. He really wasn't a good cook, so he ate a lot of leftovers and sandwiches. It looked like she was preparing a lot of food and ingredients. He didn't think she could eat that much, but he didn't want to assume. He didn't want to seem presumptuous either, but he was pretty hungry. [b]"Are you cooking for everyone?"[/b] He kept his question short, so a nod could suffice.