His feeling of determination and purpose abruptly faded upon hearing Batman's words. The First Prince of the Blood Royale, son of Maxima and heir to the Almeracian Empire, relegated to the kiddie table like some spastic, distant cousin at a holiday feast. A look flashed across his face but for an instant, adequately described as a mixture of shock and anger, before he returned to a his standard stoic, cool expression. If the elder Terran were remotely aware of his abilities or training, Maxus reasoned, he would not be so easily brushed aside by this guardian who knew so little of him. Still, this personal slight might just be a test. A scenario to see how he would react; if he would suppress his instinct to lead, or demand more of his intended station here on Earth. Another option - this was an opportunity to survey the situation and show initiative. Then a single word was spoken that snapped him away from his thoughts. Batman seemed to have a talent for that; perhaps Maxus should send him a gift box of preserved exotic meats from home to congratulate this accomplishment. Nevertheless, the word that grabbed his attention my the lips and [i]yanked[/i] was "Superboy". Was it possible that he still had family on this rock? Maxima did not speak much (that is to say none) about relatives on his father's side. Maybe she didn't know, although it was equally likely that she found it an unimportant detail. What was more, this possible relation was likewise in the grasp of Brainiac. This would not stand. Back at the Young Justice camp, several thoughts played in his head. He tried valiantly to keep his visage neutral, but surmised that he was unsuccessful when a member of the team sought to strike up a conversation with him. A furry, red creature with the outline of the House of El manscaped into his profuse pectoral hair, speaking to him in a tone of familiarity with which he was unaccustomed. Maxus slowly turned his head to face his teammate, stonefaced until he was finished talking. "Hero Thing?", he started, as if unsure how to properly enunciate a proper noun. "Yes... Superman was to be my mentor. Mother insisted, though I doubt it was fully motivated by her desire for me to participate in the "Hero Thing". Regardless, he was indeed a Hero, and she wished our meeting." Getting to know and form trust with his team might be essential. With this in mind, he continued, "You have the mark of the House of El. Do you wear it with his authority? If you would forgive my ignorance, I have but a passing, intellectual knowledge of Terran and Kryptonian custom. In the Empire, one may have their skin flayed and be exposed unprotected to the cold, endless vacuum of space were they to sport the crest of another's house without their patronage." "But I digress. I have been in the service of Almerac since I was very young, and in our soldiery from the moment I began showing outward signs of approaching manhood. I would not classify the nature of my work as completely altruistic." "Now I have a question for you, if you would indulge me. What can you tell me of this "Superboy", and why is his rescue not a higher priority?"