[center]Thomas Adkins|Mountain Glenn/Abandoned building basement|Monday Afternoon[/center] Mountain Glen felt like home to Thomas. He had never visited until now, but it had that same bombed out and Grimm infested feeling that he knew. Over half of his life had been spent at war, to him these ruined towers and empty shells were more natural than a living city bustling with activity. Thomas made his way through the city, using his old navigation techniques and avoiding unneeded fights with the Grimm. It relieved him to be in an environment like this, the tranquility of normal life only brought anxiety. To Thomas, that peace was a fragile illusion that passed itself off as natural. Mankind has had to fight to survive since the dawn of time, and the future will not be any kinder than the past. The present situation had one key difference from Thomas’ memories of war: the presence of hostile humanoids. On a select few occasions his unit had encountered resistance from separatist forces (usually some Faunus group), but those had been brief and easily settled with the application of overwhelming force. In the ruins of the city there was a large contingent of private security and an unknown number of White Fang. He’d regret fighting the hired security, it was likely that a lot of them had been grunts just like him. Of course, they chose to go out here and risk their lives just for more money, accumulating wealth so that they could insulate themselves from harsh reality. All the crap with the White Fang had started when he was still on the battlefield, so he didn’t have much of an opinion on them. If all went well and he avoided them it would stay that way. Exfiltration required a careful approach. Regular soldiers were given simple missions, subtlety was the domain of special forces. Nevertheless, Thomas had picked up a few tricks over the years. From his scouting with binoculars in a distant building he picked out that the soldiers had a perimeter set up around a few of the city blocks, his target was inside that radius. Thomas didn’t know much about recent gear, but he could recognize heavy weapons and the trademark twitch of someone on combat drugs. He didn’t pop his head out for long, they could be watching at any time. They probably had a heavier position at the site itself, and a few scout patrols roaming around. Whatever was going on in Mountain Glenn was something people wanted to keep off the books. It could be a crime syndicate or a shady corporation, but whoever it was they obviously had a nasty disagreement with Thomas’ future employer, nasty enough that there were two other hired guns running similar jobs in the area. Thomas wouldn’t get involved with them, but that meant there could be some fireworks going on while he ran his mission. Before doing anything else, Thomas found a spot in the basement of ruined building near the perimeter. He hid there while he figured out a plan beyond “charge in, shoot everyone, stab anyone not dead from shooting.”