Shay turned around, with every intention to angrily glare at whomever was cursing him out in Chinese.... or threatening, Shay didn't speak Chinese so he had no clue. Even so, the cocking of a rifle was a familiar enough sound to inform him that was almost certainly a threat of some kind. Then he saw Bluebird and... suddenly found himself forgetting he was angry. She was rough around the edges, to be sure, but in all honesty, Shay rather liked that sort of quality in a woman. A tough lass that could obviously hold her own and wouldn't take shite from anybody? Now that was Shay's idea of good company. [i]"You... might consider paying more attention to what Batman is telling you."[/i] Alastor always seemed to know how to be a buzzkill. But it snapped Shay out of his daydreaming and allowed him to catch the tail-end of what Batman was saying. Something about Superman being hurt by magic and accompanying his team back into the city. Wait, Superman could be hurt by magic and the supernatural? Everyone knew about the Kryptonite thing since the Man of Steel basically made that secret public knowledge some time ago, but magical voodoo could hurt him as well? That was definitely news to Shay. And apparently to the demon as well. [i]"Magic, Batman? You don't say..."[/i] Last thing Shay heard was Batman asking what people called him, "Um... I'm guessing you mean other than 'freak', 'monster', or 'drunk son of a bitch'? I mean... my [i]name[/i] is Patrick Shay, if that's what your wonderin'. Never actually done the whole cape and cowl thing like you do." afterward Batman brought him in on a briefing. And right about then, it actually starting to sink in that he was in the company of [i]Batman[/i], [i]Wonder Woman[/i], [i]The Flash[/i], and [i]Captain Marvel[/i]. [i]"You're not turning into a starstruck fanboy are you?"[/i] "N-no! Shut up!" Shay blurted out loud. Again. So before it could get any more awkward, he finally explained, "I got my, um, 'talents' from a demon living in my head." he said, then quickly added, "Hey don't give me no funny look, it can't be anymore unbelievable than an alien robot possessing a man that can fly and shoot lasers from his bloody eyes!"