Enjoying the relationships so far! I love little activities like this, it's great finding out what other characters think of your own. So far, I think the relationships posted regarding Warwick are pretty spot on, so hopefully I can do the same. That said, here's Warwick's thoughts on everyone and some hints at the kinds of relationship he has with anyone in particular. I didn't want to flat out state how exactly they get along since I think playing in character will reveal that, but it's definitely a window into how he currently perceives his companions and how he acts around them. Enjoy! [i]Thaddeus:[/i] He is a stranger who is shrouded in secrecy, making great claims of knowledge but never sharing what he claims to know, even though he asks us to follow him North, towards an unknowable peril. My partnership with him is entirely based on his willingness to go North, where I may find answers about my brother’s whereabouts. He is a kind man, but I don’t know if that is an act or his true self. Do I have any choice but to trust in this man? Staria seems to like him well enough, which is enough to ease my conscious for now. [i]Gryffyth Wolfsblood:[/i] An elf, I had never thought I would have seen such a thing in all my years. I’ve heard stories, and whenever I ventured close to the North Forest, I always felt as if I were being watched, but it was never a malicious feeling. To see what they look like, it is strange, but I think I could understand them in time. Judging by his garb and belongings, he and his people live off the land, and with it. Maybe we aren’t so different from one another, although his temperament is rather excitable. I’m not sure what trials he’s faced, but they certainly don’t seem like they’ve slowed him down. So far, he’s a fine companion and his confidence is reassuring as we venture into the North. And what a magnificent creature he has tamed! I have fended off wolves before, but I could not imagine they would ever grow so large in the forest, and Staria needs to be reassured when Lwyci draws too close, but I feel Gryffyth has trained the wolf well. I hope one day he will find it in himself to tell us about his lands, his people around the fire. He is a window into a world I’ve only heard in stories. [i]Tina So’Viari:[/i] What a strange woman, it’s clear she’s a child of the towns and not of the country, and she feels like she’s from a world as strange and foreign to me as that of the dwarves. She has an intuition towards people and the streets that I could only dream of, and she’s nimble in both feet and hand. She knows how to read, something I simply never learned, and she always seems to be working something out. She is very charming, I am almost embarrassed to admit to myself, especially since she is well-equipped for breaking into other people’s dwellings. I don’t think I can condone that, but at least she doesn’t seem to be the sort of person who wants to hurt anyone intentionally. She’s been genuinely kind to me, enthusiastic even, and the way she looks at Staria almost seems child-like in her wonder at the whole thing, perhaps I’ll teach her to ride if she is curious. I’m discovering these people don’t see bison very often and prefer horses. And they think me the strange one. [i]James Morter:[/i] By my people’s standards, James has lived a good long life, and he is quite brash and arrogant. There’s something to be said about confidence in one’s self, but I’m wondering how much is that is just blustering. He’s a hard man, I can tell he knows what it means to toil in a field, so I can trust him in so far that he knows what takes to do hard work, and a part of me thinks that maybe a part of him doesn’t feel alive unless he’s on some adventure or another. I’m not sure if I can make it past his temperament, but I feel his heart is in the right place. That will have to do. [i]Peren Di-Jagal:[/i] I didn’t even know elves came in different races, and if it weren’t for his dagger ears, I’d mistake him for a man at a glance. He’s soft, someone used to luxury and prestige, caring mostly for coin and earning it without having to toil for it, or so it would seem. It’s clear he has a conflict of identity, not knowing whether to style himself an elf or a man, and there’s something about him that feels like he’s constantly second guessing himself. I don’t think he’s cut out for this kind of expedition, and I think he’s scared of Staria, which tells me enough about his world compared to my own. He’s polite enough and means well, but I worry for his safety and his willpower. What stakes does he have to risk his life? Did he lose someone, too? The cities raise strange folks, and if it weren’t for Gryffyth, I think I’d feel somewhat disappointed in my first encounter with their kind. He is not at all what I’d expected. [i]Imirria Val’annis:[/i] Her name is quite a mouthful, I’m glad she goes by Miri. Another myth come to life, I never knew of a half-elf, or if such a thing were possible, but here she is. She’s quite comely with fair human features, and if it weren’t for the ears that I occasionally glimpse, I’d have no idea of her elven heritage, and I think she’s had a hard life finding a sense of belonging, she doesn’t seem to fully embrace either her elven or human heritage. Despite her withdrawn personality and untrusting eyes, she’s capable of rather fierce outbursts and seems very hesitant to let anyone see a softer side of her, whether such a thing exists, who can say? She’s quick, and the way she handles those small blades makes me think of her like a viper, quick and deadly. A lesser man might wither under her gaze, but I do not intend to give her reason to loathe me. She’s an ally, she does not need to be a friend. She can handle herself, and that’s good enough for me.