Yue entered the convenience store as he came up to it. He strode in, heading right to where the milk was and grabbed a gallon. He paused for a moment, thinking, to make sure that he didn't need anything else. He was almost out of a few things, but those could wait until later. Just the milk for now would do. There was only one cashier, and the morning crowd made the check out line long. Yue found himself impatiently shifting from foot to foot as he waited in said line. Finally it was his turn, so he paid for his milk and made to leave. Only as he reached for the door, someone else opened it and barreled right into him. Instincts kicked in. In one smooth movement, Yue lifted his left arm up, so the milk didn't get knocked out of it. He also stepped back with left leg as to not be knocked off balance. The figure who ran into him literally bounced off him they were moving so fast, so his right hand reached out to steady them. His fingertips just barely pressed against their back. It almost looked as if he was in some sort of dance pose. The figure, a woman if the voice was anything to go off of, apologized for crashing into him. He also noticed the way she wrinkled her nose at him. Not that he blamed her in the slightest. He stunk right now. He examined her for a moment, before answering. Golden eyes sweeping across her figure, mostly to make sure she was alright. She had dark brown hair that was shorter than her own, and matching eyes. Yue had to admit that she was rather pretty. But romance was the furthest thing from his mind right now. It was a simply observation is all. He relaxed from his pose, hand disappearing from her back and milk returning from the air. [color=4682B4]"Don't worry about it. Just try to be more careful, not everybody has reflexes like mine."[/color] Though it sort of came out as such, Yue wasn't trying to scold her. He was genuinely trying to help her out.