"Now if you add the numbers together you'll see that. . ." The teacher prattled on. Junko really hadn't been able to pay attention in class yet. That dream from the night before was the most prominent thing in her head. It felt, well, real. Enough so to make the young girl keep thinking about it, though by now she couldn't even remember the content inside the dream itself other than the woman. ". . . noue. . ." Still, it was probably just a dream. . . Nothing that would affect real-life. "Inoue-kun." A male voice called out. Jumping back to the reality of the situation, she was still in class. With a quick look around, it seemed that most everyone was looking right at her. "Are you alright? Did you need to go to the Infirmiry?" Junko usually gave her full attention to class so the teacher's first thought was something was wrong. . . It seems. "You look a little flushed, maybe you should just go." With a small nod, Junko stood up and walked out of the classroom. The hallway seemed a lot longer than it usually did. Maybe it was because she was usually with Yuri or Kanae and the trips around school seemed shorter with her friends. Finally she made it to the Infirmiry with the school nurse no where in sight. "I guess I'll just lay down for a bit." The girl took a spot on top of one of the beds and turned to her side, resting her head on a pillow. . . The first thing she noticed when she woke up was that her muscles were slightly aching. "Did I walk a bunch of stairs in my sleep or something?" It didn't matter too much. Maybe she just wore herself out from. . . Something. Still, she felt refreshed otherwise so it must have been a really good nap. "What time is it?" She pulled her phone out of her pocket and took a peak at the time. "Wait. . . Uhh, i-is that right?" Well, the phone likely didn't lie, it was definitely afterschool time. "Alright. . . I guess I should go home. I wonder if Yuri is still around. Kanae should still be in her club so maybe Yuri stayed around. Almost wearily she got out of the bed and made her way back to class to recover her bag. Once Junko got there, she noticed a note on her desk, "Hey there, I checked on you during lunch but you were still asleep. All of what you need should be in your bag and I left a copy of notes for you from our classes. Remember that you owe me. . . And a cute little face, just like her I guess." She was glad to have a good friend like Yuri. [i]GRRRRGGG[/i] Her stomach seemed restless by now. "Maybe I should find a place to eat on the way home, maybe a small detour." With that decided, she made her way to a local area with many different food establishments. Mostly family restaurants, though she tended to like the feel of those types of places more than chain restaurants. "I wonder what I should eat." She said aloud as she looked around.