Agent Caits Rose when Agent Dioxide entered, setting the ice aside, she gave a sigh. The office was barely big enough for her, adding another person was almost living in sin. She shifted some files, creating more room, and stayed there, leaning back. She listened as Agent Dioxide spoke, giving a nod every so often. [right]'no questions. I'll do what I have to, but I don't think Baoning will hold under interrogation. He's not a good actor. He's a creep, a slimeball and is only interesting in saving his own hide'[/right] As the email came through, she frowned reading it. As Agent dioxide asked the question, Agent Caits gave another sigh. [right]'seems like Huang-ping is baonings replacement. I imagine we won't see Baoning again. It's getting worse'[/right] She rubbed at her temples, weary. [right]'well. We can see if we can still go ahead with it all. Hopefully they don't know we have accesses. I'll go escort Cody back. Perhaps you can tell Gerswhin he's returning'[/right] Agent Caits left her office, twisting to move passed Agent Dioxide. [hr] Cody heard Agent Caits footsteps long before she reached his cell. He was still in the curled up position on the bed, and he made no move to get up. Right then, he would happily smite Agent Caits, if he had the power. 'Cody. You're people taken back to your old cell. Come on. I don't want to handcuff you. Get up, please' Cody gave a sigh, and sat up. Agent Caits appeared sincere, but Cody wasn't sure of anything anymore. He suspected they wanted something from him, if they were taking him back. [right]'why?'[/right] 'Because I went to bat for you, and asked to have you moved back. It does no good if you and Gershwin are distressed about being apart' Cody sighed again, but rose. He wouldn't complain. Even if it was some sort of trap, it meant he wasn't alone. The walk to his old cell was silent. He made no effort at conversation, and neither did Agent Caits.