[h3][color=fff79a]Hitsuji Momo - Vacuo Outskirts/Outside Outpost of Military Junta|Monday Afternoon[/color][/h3] Hitsuji Momo had found herself a nice little spot a few hundred meters away from the outpost and was just waiting. The sheep faunus was sitting down on the hem of her battle skirt, not caring if it got dirty, her back to a nice large rock out there in the middle of the badlands. At the moment she was waiting for something very specific to happen, she had lived near this kind of area before and her horns were telling her a dust storm was incoming. The dust storm would hide her presence when she made her move to infiltrate the outpost. [color=fff79a]"Ahhh, why'd it have to be a rescue operation of all things? Since I need to rescue some hapless person I won't be able to bash too many heads in without worrying about my target becoming a corpse. Doubt there will be any grimm in there either. Can't get paid if all that's left is a corpse, lame."[/color] Hitsuji tapped one of her horns against the rock as she picked a small camera out of her pocket. [color=fff79a]"I also got some Mr. Pervert here wanting to up his prized collection for his own 'private' use."[/color] She complained some more as she dusted off the lens. [color=fff79a]"Rabbit lover eh? Probably likes big busts too."[/color] She stole a glance at the outpost then quickly hid again as she waited for the dust storm. She made sure the camera's flash was turned off and sighed, [color=fff79a]"Please stay alive my hapless target in the meantime."[/color] Hitsuji closed her eyes but kept her other senses completely open. Her time would come soon.