[h3]Wolfram Mord | Mountain Glenn - Afternoon > Nightfall[/h3] [color=purple]"Wow, they weren't kidding, this place is locked up pretty tight. Alternating guards at the front timed in a way that there is always someone watching, guards on every balcony, sensor arrays on the rooftop, search lights, watch towers... Normally this would be impossible"[/color], at least, to do it silently. The mission should have started during the afternoon, but he chose instead to spend a bit of time to wait until the sun set, and during that time, scope the area out with his crows. Considering Wolfram's own skills, it wouldn't be impossible for him to get through this silently. He had eyes on every angle of the building, his crows fed him information, and he could easily make distractions using them. First thing's first though, he had to disable one of the layers of security, to give himself a hole to slip through, and the easiest one was the security cameras. He only needed to find one, with a lightning dust needle he can just overload their whole network and take it offline in an instant. And find one he did, left side of the facility. It was time to move in. Upon arrival he didn't waste time to silently throw a needle at the camera, a silent spark later, the camera began to smoke. Now he had his hole into the facility, no one was going to witness it if he killed a man or two. He sent some crows to sit atop the rooftop to trigger the sensors as he moved towards the door, before the guards posted there could see him, they were dispatched with a few well-thrown needles. He seeped lightning into them, which stunned them. As much body armor as they had, and as enhanced they were, a surprise attack, plus from such small projectiles, were virtually undetectable. [color=purple]"Still... I probably want to avoid a direct fight. I doubt they'll go easy on me..."[/color], he muttered to himself, as he strode right through the door. Still not a single witness before him still. [color=purple]"Now that I'm in... Time to find our target..."[/color], he said to himself. To him, this was just another job, and the one going to pay for his dinner tonight. It was hard finding work, some assassins disliked him and tried to edge him from some high paying jobs, considering he was a bit of a pushover at times it wasn't hard for them to do that, even if he was really good at his job. Though this might have been the jackpot, if all of the video he got was true... A stable income, how he has longed for that. He didn't even care about much of the other details, how there were others on the same job. To him, money was money.