[color=00aeef]"If I'm correct she was like this when she was with the enemy. Something about combat is bothering her. I'm not sure if she should keep fighting but that isn't my call."[/color] Graham said quickly before Nena could answer as the boisterous red head gave her few cents, [color=ed1c24]"What? I'm no psychologist hell people usually complain I'm the unstable one. Especially on the Sundown. Stella's probably just not too fond of combat either that or something about this freaking place is making her unstable. Either way she's going to have to deal with it how she will."[/color] Nena responded to Donna as Graham looked over the scene. [color=00aeef]"Hey Stella do you got any companions who usually fight with you?"[/color] Graham asked as Stella gave a muffled confirmation that she indeed had a group she usually fought with. [color=00aeef]"It could be that not fighting with them is causing her to panic too. I don't like not fighting without my own allies but I'm not Stella. As for Puru...well if I know Puru like I think I do then she just doesn't think about it. She probably doesn't like the killing but at the same time I think Puru just sees people as 'bad guys' and 'friends'. It isn't the same mindset I think Stella could adopt."[/color] Graham continued to Donna as Paul landed heavily on the ground nearby. [color=0072bc]"The area is secured any remaining enemy pilots are dead or have fled. I'm ordering everyone to get back to the Sundown as soon as possible."[/color] Paul said flatly as he picked himself off the ground and launched back into the air falling back towards the Sundown. Graham nodded and quickly transformed back into jet mode before taking off into the air leaving Donna and Stella alone with SIGMA and Beta as Nena quickly left soon afterward.