The Arch Mage felt a little bad for leaving this class of student’s in Kane’s hands after the announcement, but when she pulled him aside he gave her a nod. Her concerns weren’t ones he hadn’t thought about and he gave her a small smile. “It’s done. I will go talk to Harlow now, but I’m sure he won’t mind given the circumstances. Plus, I will be here as well. I’m sure the three of us together should have a relatively good handle over them. I will let you know what Harlow says later on.” With that Aren left the classroom, and Billie had watched the exchange between their professor and the Arch Mage almost intently before looking away. She hadn’t been the only one either, but when her eyes caught sight of Clary looking to Drake something said she knew more. Clary probably knew more about anything than anyone in the entire school. It made her wonder if she did know, hell, she had heard about the survival test, so maybe she’d heard the full reason for it. She’d have to ask later. Clary, however, was relieved to hear that Cole and Sal weren’t taking these tests, and she and Drake looked to each other. Clary could see him relax a bit too, and she gave a smile. “Feel a bit better with less to worry about?” she asked and he gave her a nod. “I do. Sal and Cole are like my family and knowing neither one will be required to take the test takes the edge off. Just kind of makes me wonder just how bad the state of things are. Especially back home.” He said and Clary gave a sad smile. “Hopefully not as bad back home, but I hear things are getting pretty bad.” She said and Drake gave a nod before he looked over to Sal. He seemed to be getting along relatively easy with Willow which was a definite calm for him. That and Willow had a good aura, he could tell by the faint colors he could see coming from her. He turned a little to see if he really needed to worry about anyone else, but his eyes slitted instantly when they landed on Darren Flint. Very few people had that effect on him, but Darren hadn’t been making a good name for himself since the day he met him. He turned back forward when Clary turned a bit, and when she caught sight of Darren she kind of paled. Billie had been chasing him off the last year, but at least with Garret coming back she wouldn’t have to worry much about him anymore. Still, he had been flying under the radar for a while, and it made her wonder what was going on. She had heard, and spread, that he had been sleeping with Florence, but aside from that nothing major. Obviously he hadn’t pissed off anyone lately, but something told her that this year would change that. Darren Flint wasn’t the type to fly under the radar for long. “Clary?” Drake asked, watching as she looked forward again. “You okay?” Clary gave a nod. “Just hope Garret gets back before anything happens… again.” -- Salazar had listened quite intently to the Arch Mage’s announcement. He had been trying to figure out why certain things were seeping into his dreams, and perhaps the reason behind it was the same reason the test was being evoked. However, now that he had pondered Willow’s earlier question for a while and they had a minute to talk he looked in her direction and spoke. “I’m sorry I never answered you earlier. But if you do ever take notes for me, if you could write them in a language like Faelic, II can read them a bit easier.” He then sighed a bit and gave an almost sad smile. “and I’m sorry you have to take these tests, but if you want I can always help you study or something. I think I’m not on the list to take it because it would be far too difficult for me.” He did feel bad about it. If there was anytime she needed her partner, she’d have to be paired off with someone else, and he just hoped that it wouldn’t be anyone that would hurt her. Despite having just met her, he could tell she was nice and he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. -- Alex sighed a bit, not quiet happy with all the chatter going on around them, but when a vial was placed before him, he looked at it before looking at Molly. He raised a brow, and nodded. “Thank you.” He said. He opened the vial, looking at it a bit before sinking the contents. Of course, he didn’t feel any immediate effects, but at least he knew it was a potion he was familiar with now. He pinched the bridge of his nose a but before he finally put his glassed back on. He would really need to watch how things went now, especially since this just confirmed Azrael was out for him. He didn’t want to believe it, and he knew Billie would find this whole test a nuisance. He wrote a note on a piece of paper before tossing it towards Billie, and once she read it he saw her relax a bit. He had only reassured her that she’d do well, but then again he knew she didn’t doubt herself. She just wanted to know why it was suddenly changing, and he honestly couldn’t blame her. If he hadn’t had a clue, he would be wondering the same thing. To be honest, he was almost glad the test was being invoked. It offered them a better chance to prepare for anything major. Once Kane started speaking again, however, he looked forward and took a few notes. As if he really needed them. Two summers ago he and Billie had a rather nasty encounter with some merfolk. So he knew that they were just racist because they were pure. They were supremacists on top of that -- Billie couldn’t focus anymore on the class, it was too loud and her thoughts were carrying too loud in her mind. Her angel half and demon half were arguing in her mind and she was trying her best not to show it sometimes it got really hard though. She leaned back in her seat, spacing out a bit before her eyes focused on Alex again and she saw where he was looking. Darren Flint. Fuck. How didn’t she notice that sonofabitch was in this class, and she sighed a bit. At least if she ever got put against someone she could hope it was him, really give him a taste of his own medicine. She barely laid attention to the lesson, but she heard Logan and Zach talking before she smirked. She knew a lot more about other races, and so Zach would be set with the classwork, so if Logan ever actually needed to copy off someone, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to copy off Zach. She turned her head briefly and spoke, “Hush up, some of us are trying to pay attention.” She was being super sarcastic, and she half smiled a bit before her eyes caught sight of Darren again, and she motioned her hand and watched the cup fly and break against the back of his head. She had kept enough concentration to catch some of the broken pieces but she allowed them to stay on the ground. He turned and glared at her and she glared back, but she caught sight of the girl next to him. A new vamp, and she almost worried a bit for her before she made a mental note to ask Logan about her. If he knew about her, she knew someone would need to warn her about Darren. That mega douche. -- First day back was already a blast, Darren thought as he sat beside his coexistence partner. His eyes had roamed her up and down a few times before he stopped. Maybe she’d be easy enough, even with the vampire-demon feud going on. It was obvious that she was a vampire, at least to him, and he looked around some more. That feud was getting heated again and it tickled him to death. It drove a huge wedge between the school, and it kept him out of the line of sight for a while. It was no secret that the Sanders siblings hated his guts, but with other things on their hands he had been under the radar for a while. And with that douche bag Garret out of the picture he was getting away with more, but with him coming back, he’d need to watch it again. He was pleased with the idea of survival tests, and he had a feeling it was because a few cages in he’ll had been opened. One of which being his father’s. He had spent most of the summer with him and hadn’t returned until this morning for classes. He had seen the display at lunch too, poor demon breed had already been shown Billie’s bad side. Not that he was scared of it, but perhaps he could talk to him and know that strength in numbers with the fifth top demon coming back would be a wise idea. A sharp pain came to the back of his head and he turned and saw a broken cup on the floor. His eyes met Billie’s and he glared at her and she glared back. “Stupid bitch.” He grumbled. His days under the radar had obviously run out, but that wouldn’t stop him from confronting her the way he always had. Perhaps not today, especially since she was obviously still hot about earlier, but he wouldn’t back down if she brought it on. Especially with Alex weak. That gym display would be his favorite forever. He sat back forward feeling something else hit him, and when he turned, this time he saw it come from Drakon Flores. Another nuisance e in his mind. “So, Rose.” He began, deciding to ignore that one. “How do you feel about merfolk?” he asked, quietly.