Thought I'd make a nice, all-American hero. [sub]Also he looks like Robert Garcia because that guy kicks ass.[/sub] [hider=Barney Armstrong]Name(s): Barney Armstrong [hider=Appearance - Barney Armstrong][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Appearance - Metal Wolf EX][img][/img][/hider] Faction: The Lost Worlds Alliance Abilities: Beyond a natural knack for football, swimming, and public speeches, Barney has undergone a handful of commercial nanomachine treatments. As a result, he is powerful enough to lug around at least one of the comically oversized weapons his suit is equipped with, and durable enough to sprint for minutes at a time. Equipment: Barney's arsenal is centered entirely around a gift from his uncle Steven: the Metal Wolf EX. The Metal Wolf EX is the result of the combined efforts of a number of universes, possessing technology developed centuries apart welded together seamlessly. A full list of the Metal Wolf EX's modules and their general purpose follows. 1.Codarl-class Lambda Driver : Inexplicably temporarily "ignores" the laws of physics, seeming to generate work and mechanical force without requiring an equal and opposite force. Due to Barney's lack of training, it is generally only useful for ensuring his bullets hit forcefields and armor as effectively as they hit anything else. 2. Firestorm-Class Thrusters : A set of Elerium-115 rocket thrusters arranged primarily around the back and sides of the suit. Thanks to the inclusion of a specialized Elerium reactor, the Firestorm-Class Thrusters allow for the Metal Wolf EX to fly across the battlefield nearly indefinitely. Thanks to the Lambda Driver, the Metal Wolf EX can soar at breakneck speeds without worrying about overheating or G-forces. 3. Alien Alloy Armor Plating : Lightweight and durable alloy plating commonly used by a long-defeated alien faction from another universe. The alloys used here are famous for their use by the Extraterrestrial Combat Organization of one of World Marshal's very first contacts. 4. Justice-Class Armament Deployment System: The obnoxiously large "wings" of the Metal Wolf EX are actually carrying cases for a wide variety of deadly firearms. At Barney's command, the "wings" open up and place a fresh gun in his hands. Rumor tells of a secret emergency override process that fires [i]all[/i] of the guns in the Armament Deployment System. [hider=Weapons in the ADS] 1. MegaCorp Blitz Cannon : Mass-produced for asymmetric warfare, the Blitz Cannon combines a cloud of deadly shrapnel with a storm of lightning to create a hideously dangerous shotgun. 2. Dead Echo Boneduster : With four barrels and absolutely no safety features, the Boneduster is a shotgun with enough kickback to rip any normal human in half. 3. Panther XL : A semiautomatic man-portable anti-materiel rifle that fires explosive rounds, the Panther XL is fantastic for armored targets. 4. Quikscell Crusher SH Cannon : A gift from the Wolf Empire, the SH Cannon launches HEAP rounds from up to 180 meters at a high rate. 5. X-COM Hovertank-Class Plasma Cannon: By launching an enormously hot ball of plasma at high speeds, the Plasma Cannon comes into its own as a designated anti-armor weapon. 6. Nephilim Alliance Laser Array : Emits either a horrendously-inaccurate battery of lasers that ricochet around the room or a single concentrated beam. 7. Piledrivers : Not actually a gun. Uses hydraulic force to drive a large metal spike forward at deadly speeds. Comes in pairs. 8. Grappling Claws : Surrounds the Metal Wolf EX's "hands" with durable alloy claws, allowing it to grip and tear enemies' guts with ease. 9. Ceres Arms Smasher PPC : Officially known as a Particle Projection Cannon. Launches a concentrated stream of protons or ions at a target, causing enormous amounts of damage through both thermal and kinetic energy. When a PPC strikes its target, the target is simultaneously vaporized and [i]vibrated apart[/i]. 10. Culter Deus .444 Bear Killer : This armor-piercing pistol may not look like much, but it is deadly accurate, fire special .444 armor-piercing rounds, and can blow nearly any target away with trivial ease. Has a maximum effective range of 1 km and has a clip capacity of 4 rounds. [/hider] Personality: Barney is blindly arrogrant and as proud as can be. Though he shares his uncle's nationalistic fervor, the opening of the multiverse has given his affections an unusual focus. Now, Barney adores and fights for the sake of his universe. If anything threatens [i]his[/i] Earth, or anything that is similar to his Earth, he will fly into a wild rage. Short Bio: After the Great Phase Space Collapse of Denver, Colorado, the World Marshal private military company used the now-bridged multiverse to earn truly legendary amounts of money. Ironically, the most profitable of World Marshal's ventures was not from their PMC activity (though this [i]did[/i] earn them several valuable allies), but from their use and abuse of interdimensional patent laws-- put simply, there aren't any. With the secrets of perfect cybernetic augmentation and lightweight Unmanned Gear manufacture under their belt, World Marshal-sponsored engineers and scientists found many a contract in the Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, X-COM, and Battletech universes, among others. Barney Armstrong, however, is not a major power behind any of these developments. As the nephew of the company's majority shareholder and an excellent networker in his own right, Barney's greatest feat in the company is him managing to secure the top spot on the official World Marshal liaison to the Lost Worlds Alliance. With a moderately-customized mechsuit, civilian augmentations, and a [i]whole lot of[/i] tenacity, Barney seeks to earn fame, fortune, and fun in the war against the Anti-Spirals. Universe of Origin: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Metal Wolf Chaos[/hider]