[color=fff79a]"I will. I swear to you I will"[/color], Evelyn said softly, though she new that Davon may not come back in the manner she'd hope for. Evelyn glanced at Gregor's body, his caved in skull had pooled blood which flowed onto the floor of his bed chamber. Priests of the Pantheon had already begun to prepare his body to be moved to the hall of the dead, to be prepared for the funeral. Evelyn raised her hand towards Draxis and Gale, gesturing for them to give her a moment as she tried to calm the princess. [color=fff79a]"I'm so sorry, Vanessa. I promised that I would protect your family and I've failed you"[/color], Evelyn worked hard to hold back the tears which began to form in the corners of her eyes. Gregor was not only her Lord but a family friend. Oftentimes when the Sunderlands would visit the capital she'd watch as the people voiced their troubles to the king who'd do all he could for them. To her, Gregor was the ideal ruler: he was kind, respectful, understanding, and wise. It didn't help that Valerie suddenly burst into the room and began examining the body. [color=fff79a]"Take care for now, I'll return later. Right now I must begin the investigation"[/color], Evelyn had taken in all Valerie had said but here was not the place for such talk. Evelyn gestured for the three of them to follow her to the grand hall of the castle. Upon arrival she sent for a messenger to rally the royal and city guard captains to the hall for instructions. [color=fff79a]"Before they arrive we have some time to talk. As you know, Prince Davon is missing. I'm almost certain it was him who killed the king. Valerie, your assessment of the scene only strengthens my theory. Draxis, I'll need your squad to begin questioning the servants. Find out as much as you can and bring your findings back to me. You have free reign throughout the castle but if you need to go into the private rooms be considerate. We are better than the brutes Rodrick currently has ransacking the place"[/color], the more she spoke the more Evelyn began to wonder as to why Davon did such a thing. From what Valerie determined, the murder was not planned, if Davon was part of a conspiracy then a more planned assassination would have been formulated. [color=fff79a]"One more thing, our mission is to find and capture Davon, not kill him should he be guilty. He shall face a proper trial"[/color], this would prove hard to convince the others to follow. Hopefully she'd find Davon before a random group of guards. Evelyn hadn't forgotten about Damien, the necromancer managed to get her attention as result of his comment last night. [color=fff79a]"You mentioned you wished to speak with the Knight-Commander. I assume what you have to say is urgent? Urgent enough to insult the former commander before a superior officer"[/color], a look of distaste was about the captain as she awaited to hear what news the necromancer brought.