[center][color=MediumOrchid][img]http://i.imgur.com/5jjmXZv.gif[/img] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Rise%20Of%20Camelot%20Roleplay/Morgana%20Le%20Fay%20-%20Gif%2001_zpshoobnmjm.gif[/img] [h3][i]"Sometimes you've got to do what you think is right, and damn the consequences."[/i] ~ Morgana Le Fay.[/h3] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Morgana Le Fay. [b]Other Names:[/b] None. [b]Real Name (If Applicable):[/b] Morgana Pendragon. [b]Occupation:[/b] King's Ward. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Camelot. [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-Six. [b]Race:[/b] Human - Sorceress and Seer (She Is Unaware Of This). [b]Affiliation:[/b] True Neutral (Presently). True Neutral (Presently) -* [i]A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way, or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil- after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.[/i] [b]Appearance - Twenty-Six Years Old:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f3/99/13/f39913bbf7a1bb750ef6d36489872c7d.jpg[/img] [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single. [b]Partner:[/b] None. [b]Adopted Father:[/b] Gorlois Le Fay (Deceased). [b]Real Father:[/b] Uther Pendragon. [b]Mother:[/b] Vivienne Le Fay (Deceased). [b]Siblings:[/b] Arthur Pendragon (Paternal Half-Brother - Neither Are Aware), Morgause Le Fay (Maternal Half-Sister - Morgana Is Unaware). [b]Pet/s:[/b] Given to her as a welcoming present upon her arrival in Camelot, Morgana owns a beautiful [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/67/fa/75/67fa7554065ec7ed0f141ec085a1fe8b.jpg]white stallion[/url] that she calls Ceadda. [hider=Detailed Relationships] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cHyeDsA.gif[/img] [i]"Uther is a monster- he is nothing more than an arrogant, old fool..! He is a cruel man; one who is blinded by his hatred of those who are different to him- these people have not harmed him in any way... they are no threat to him, and yet, he would see them executed for their birthright... for the power to wield magic... I cannot even begin to understand the workings of such thought. Gaius has told me that he was once a just King; one with a kind heart, and though there are times that I see even the briefest of glimpses into such a man, I am yet to see such a side to the King... I-I just cannot understand... tell me how one man can be so malicious... how can that creature be left to rule over this Kingdom; his people suffer under his reign of terror... I fear they shall tolerate it no longer."[/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YWxX7UW.gif[/img] [i]"Argh... well, what can I say..? I mean, the man is a total jouster. And just because I am the King's ward, that does not mean I have to accompany him to the royal feasts... does it..? Either way; he may be the most obnoxious man within Camelot, but he is leaps and bounds ahead of Uther. Arthur is a better man than his father; he always has been- and just as he is now, he will also be as King... I believe he will be the one to lead Camelot into a much greater time... I can only hope that he proves me right in my thoughts..."[/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CnOvmuM.gif[/img] [i]"Truly, I do not know where I would be without her..! Guinevere is more to me than just my maidservant; she is the most kind, and most loyal person I have ever met; and she has been more than a trustworthy friend to all of us. She follows her heart- a rare and admirable trait in people; and goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that I am well and safe... even spending nights at my bedside when the terrors of my sleep become all too much for me to bear on my own... She is one of my best friends; I would do anything to see her smiling face each and every day."[/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GGpxXxR.gif[/img] [i]"I know that I can trust Merlin... he is a good friend... so why is it that I feel as though I wish he were more than just that..? It is wrong of me to have such affections towards him- if Uther were ever to find out... oh, I fear what he might do if such a thing ever came to pass. I cannot allow that to happen; he has too bright a future as physician for me to ruin it with things such as my attraction towards him. We are to be friends, and nothing more... I believe I can be fine with that..."[/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/TYmoKRU.gif[/img] [i]"I am not quite sure what it is... however, I just feel so comfortable whenever I am in his presence. There is just something about Casper that helps to calm me- he is far from a man of many words, and even further still upon the list of those I claim to know well; though, I feel in my heart that I can trust him... and whenever I am with him... I do not feel so alone anymore..."[/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Cj7uw6K.gif[/img] [i]"My dear Aiden... such a sweet and gentle soul; I cannot even begin to count the times in which he has helped to bring me comfort in midst of the terrors that haunt my nights. Time and time again, he is there for me when I need him the most; whether to lend ear, or shoulder- I can always count on his presence to calm frightened mind, and to once again bring smile to my lips... his friendship is one in which I value, and hold very dear within my heart; and I always shall. Truly, I shall never be able to repay him for all it is that he has done for me; but I shall do my best, and just as he is for me, I do hope he knows that I shall always be there for him too."[/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/TDRUIAD.gif[/img] [i]"What am I supposed to say about the Princess of Egypt..? Cleopatra is nothing more than a bad influence that Uther would sooner have removed from Camelot at times; she is a pure, spoiled, royal pain in the ass... but then she is my best friend, and truly, I would not have her any other way. Of course whenever she chooses to grace us with her presence, it is true that I do happen to get into slightly more trouble than I normally would; but then like she says, what is the point of living if you choose not to make the most of it..? Speaking of the jewel of the Nile; I really must visit Egypt some time soon... I hear it is truly a marvelous sight to behold..."[/i] [hr][hr] [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Reluctant to go when she was first brought to Camelot to live under the care of King Uther as his beloved ward, Morgana is seen to be quite the spirited and quick-witted young woman, always showing both love and compassion to all those who seek her council or those who find themselves within her company; whether they be her ladies maid or one of the many Knights to serve under the King himself. Considered to be a beauty unmatched throughout the Kingdom of Camelot, and while gaining the attention and affection of numerous men from around the world, she herself has always hinted to that she was to be saved and married to Arthur when the time for him to become King came along; however, Morgana often proves herself to not only be beautiful, but also capable on multiple occasions- her quite rebellious and oftentimes frustrating independent streak helping her stand out among women, and causing her to be unafraid to stand up to Uther, despite his being her guardian. Unaware of her magical talents, Morgana has always toaken issue with the King’s cruel and unjust persecution of magic-users, unafraid and often causing herself to get punished whenever she feels the need to speak up against him, believing that his punishments towards those with magic are both unfair and unfitting; her believes causing her to even, on the rare occasion, go against his rule by doing all she can to help those possessing magic to escape from his cruel tyranny. Always willing to stand up for what she believes in, she oftentimes displays much courage when standing up against her guardian and the Knights, the young woman always intervening in order to stand up for what she feels in her heart is right; and much like the King himself, Morgana shows extreme stubbornness, and a slightly cocky streak when it comes time to proving her point or having fun, always seeming to have several bets with the Prince going, where (more times than none) comes out the victor, causing the King to once again have to warn his son that he should know better than to mess with her. Despite portraying a fierce but just and independent personality at the court, on the inside Morgana does all that she can to hide her feelings of great fear, depression and loneliness while living within Camelot- unaware that she is Uther's daughter, the thought that she is different than most greatly stresses her, taking into consideration the Kingdom’s attitude towards magic; and while unable to find anyone within the walls of Camelot to help her, and feeling as though she has no one to turn to, she slowly lowers herself further into her loneliness and depression, which only seems to fleetingly disappear while she is in the company of creatures like Merlin, Casper and Mordred, who (unbeknownst to her) are figures of magic like herself. [b]Strengths:[/b] Proven to be an extremely convincing actress when the situation calls for her to be, Morgana has shown again and again that she is able to hide her true feelings and nature from almost everyone within the walls of Camelot, including both Uther and Arthur- also shown to be exceedingly resilient, a trait in which she shares with her half-brother Arthur; Morgana always seems to surprise those who believe they know her best, for example: the young woman strong enough to continue fighting against those opposing her without much difficulty, despite having previously been stabbed in the side by one of them. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Taking after her biological father when it comes to being stubborn beyond measure, Morgana will rarely every back down when it comes to a decision that she has already made up within her mind, and usually when she has her teeth sunk so deeply into something, it is near impossible to convince her otherwise- the young ward’s independent streak always helping to lead her into some sort of trouble, whether it be running into a group of bandits in the forests surrounding Camelot, or something more defiant as landing chained up in the dungeons for speaking out against the King; the young woman, even when having to deal with the consequences of her actions, never seeming to know when enough is enough, shown with her fiery desire to fight for whatever it is she believes in her heart to be right. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Actually the biological daughter of Uther Pendragon and Vivienne Le Fay; Morgana is an exceedingly kind-hearted and loving individual who cares deeply for all those of whom she considers to be her friends- originally brought to Camelot at the age of ten when her presumed father, Gorlois was killed during battle by enemies of Camelot when the promise of sending reinforcements was broken by Uther; it has been stated many a time before that the young girl fought him from the beginning, and has never been one who was afraid to speak her mind. Known to often help her presumed father with his armor during the time spent with him, Morgana learnt swordplay from a young age and oftentimes was found practicing with her childhood companion, Arthur, where according to her own recollections, she used to beat him with a sword though to this day, he continues to deny such a thing ever happening- being the only woman within the royal family, Morgana has had to rise to the occasion and seemingly fill the role in which would ordinarily be undertaken by the Queen of Camelot herself, oftentimes having to sit beside Uther during things such as state affairs, tournaments, and the like. [h3][i][b]~Magic Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Completely unaware of her birthright, though known by those more in-tune with magic to be a seer, and thus able to see visions of the future within her dreams, Morgana oftentimes suffers from prophetic nightmares as a result of this ability; her dreams, more times than none, largely revolving around the death of Arthur Pendragon. Also seen to hold some level over telepathy, Morgana’s powers are both considerably raw and exceedingly uncontrolled; oftentimes resulting in the young woman inadvertently setting her room alight, or shattering a vase and causing her even more distress than when she first began. [h3][i][b]~Weaponry Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Weapon/s:[/b] Gifted to her by Arthur on her last nameday, Morgana owns a beautiful dagger that she cherishes and keeps on her person at all times when she is out of the walls of Camelot- also a skilled fighter thanks to her many years of practice, she also owns a sword given to her by Uther as a way to help settle her into life living within Camelot. [b]Weapon/s Name:[/b] None. [b]Weapon/s Type:[/b] Sword, and a dagger. [b]Attributes:[/b] None. [hider=Weapon Appearance] [b]Weapon/s Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/301268231482-0-1/s-l1000.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/7/71/Dagger1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120311104435[/img] [/hider] [b]Fighting Abilities:[/b] Shown on many an occasion to be an adept swords-woman, Morgana has proved on multiple an occasion that she is more than capable of holding her own against a number of men; the young woman thanks to her years of practice able to easily overpower and disarm several opponents she comes up against while being able to rival others in which face her in battle- the Kings ward shown to be so capable that it has been indicated that she herself is a match in battle for Arthur, and that she has in the past even bested him with a sword before, however the prince is insistent that the incident never happened. [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] Knowing that it isn't befitting of a woman of her status; Morgana keeps her affections for Merlin hidden deep within herself, both in fear of how he would react, and of what Uther might do to him if he ever learned of her attraction to the young apprentice. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJxUJMB_HYg]"Holy Knight" by Eyemedia.[/url] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Rise%20Of%20Camelot%20Roleplay/Morgana%20Le%20Fay%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsfofrg7cr.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]