Just at the last moment, before Agent Caits fully left out of the room, Agent Dioxide caught her by the arm, whispering into her ear. It was an intimate distance, but it provided the secrecy that they needed, and a cover for the cameras. Office relationships were prohibited, but that was worth being told off over for treason and trespassing. ‘If Dr Baoning broke that easily [b][i]and[/i][/b] revealed our plan, they’d be busting this door down as soon as we got the email. No, I believe he trusted us until the very end that we would do our part. Bastard or not, we still promised to do good by him and we ought to. So now, we have to find him, if he is even around anymore, and see to him when we do.’ He didn’t believe in himself so much for the last time. Considering the immediacy on how he was replaced with this Dr Jiang-Ping, chances are that he really was [i]terminated[/i] from his job. ‘2:30. Let’s make it work. See you later.’ [hr] Gershwin finally came to after what felt like a long sleep. Guilty, as she was late for her daily routine, she tried to get up but she felt weak and could barely lift herself up past the headboard. She looked down and found her fingers poking out of the remains of casts that obviously did not fit, as her digits seemed to have burst through the mould intended for just her wrists – the rest of the cast broken off onto the bed and floor. Strange, she thought it, and realized something must have happened. Though her room was clean and nothing rang abnormal about it, she swore that she felt like she’d relived another time when this room was bloody and destroyed. It felt so recent, like it was a dream and she was not there to stop it. Stop the thing that did all this, and all that harm to itself. She heard scuffling and footsteps on the other side of the cell, where Cody used to stay. She reasoned it to be him only out of hope, so she hazarded a call through her raspy voice. [right] ‘Cody?’ [/right]