[quote=Turtlicious] In what sense? E: Wasn't PF Internet "friendzoned" [/quote] In what sense is it unfair for both parties, or...? Elaboration, if you would. Also, gotta agree with Jorick saying that it's easier to lie in an internet relationship because there's pretty much no consequences. Not saying it's bound to happen or some people would, but it's not like there's any real way to you can prove somebody's not e-dating somebody else at the same time, or has a real life boyfriend or girlfriend, or whatever. You may feel easier telling this person your deepest darkest secrets you never told your best friend, but that's because the internet is still anonymous to a degree. It's easier to put your trust in someone if you know that it back fires that the only thing that gets torpedoed is your relationship with that person and any online community you may be a part of. In real life, if something you confided gets out to your social circle or workplace or school, that can have some lasting consequences.