Dio stood in the hallway as a Dunmer woman was escorted into the chamber, his black armor blending in with the darkness. It had taken him many days to finally reach this point. He would have still been scouring the Nordic country side had it not been for a chance encounter with a strange man dressed in black robes. It was after Dio had defeated a small group of bandits that the black robed man revealed himself, informing him that the keys to the vengeance he so sought could be found in the Imperial fortress in Solitude. The seemingly random delivery of a cryptic message was strange, but stranger still was the fact that the robed stranger called Dio by name, as if he knew him. Before Dio could inquire further, the stranger vanished. What was the meaning of this message? What were the keys? Perhaps there was some secret to the Dovhahsken's power hidden within the depths of the fortress, or perhaps his nemesis, Alayna was there in hiding. Or perhaps it was a trap, a scheme to lure and eliminate those seeking to oppose the Dovhahsken, Dio thought to himself. The only way he would know was to venture there himself. And so there he stood, having wandered into the keep with relative ease. It seemed as if the Legion was shorthanded. Seeing that the guards had left the door open as they were preoccupied with the Dunmer woman, Dio took this chance to entered into the chamber. He emerged from the darkness of the hall and stepped into doorway, his large frame enveloping the space of it. One of the guards turned around, having noticed movement behind him. His face light up with surprise, being slightly startled to see a large figure clad in strange black armor suddenly apearing behind him. Before he could say anything Dio quickly put a finger to the man's lips.[color=yellow] "Sssh, calm yourself Imperial, I come as a friend."[/color]his gravely voice dripping heavy with a Dunmeri accent. Dio laughed to himself at the words he had just spoken. Historically speaking House Telvanni held no love for the Empire, having clashed with imperial factions such as the Mages Guild many times in the past. This held true for Dio as well, he cared not for the over reaching leviathan that was the Empire, constantly melding in the affairs of the various peoples of Tameriel. Dio quickly pushed past the startled guard and proceeded into the room. He surveyed the individuals before him through the visor of his black helmet. Most of the faces were both unfamiliar and uninteresting to him, save for three. First was the dunmer woman, her armor well worn with the marks of battle, betrayed her occupation. While Dio could not be sure, he had a small inkling that she may be of House Redoran, a rival House to his own. House Redoran was now the dominant house in Morrowind, while his own House had dwindled in Power. Still, the Redorans had done a good job of keeping the Argonian hordes off the doorstep of Tel Oloth, and for this Dio bore them no ill will. [color=yellow]"Greetings Muthsera"[/color] Dio said to the Dunmer woman. Next was the hooded man. Dio wondered if this man was the same one who had approached him on the road, urging him to come here. This man seemed to have the same aura, though he could not tell for certain, as he could not see his face. Lastly there was the woman sitting in the chair. He was quite familiar with her, as she was accompanying the Dragonborn and Saramen during the weeks in which Dio and his compatriots had been tailing them. He was able to see her in action on several occasions, bearing witness to her ability to deal out death. Though Dio and his party did their best to stay hidden, he always had a small feeling that she was aware of their presence, that she knew that they were watching them from over the hill, or amidst the bushes. "Where is your letter, Dark Elf. Proof that you are indeed here as a friend?" One of the guards demanded. Dio looked down at him through his helmet, wondering why the guard had simply assumed he was a Dunmer. [color=yellow] "I have no letter. I was made aware of this meeting by...other means.[/color] Dio turned to look in the hooded man's direction. [color=yellow] " My name is Dio of Tel Ototh, I am a Lawman of House Telvanni. The one I called brother, Saramen of Tel Oloth fought alongside the Dragonborn, and subsequently died alongside him on that day of betrayal. [/color]. Dio then turned to address the man who he assumed was the commander. [color=yellow] "I have no interest nor involvement in the Empire's struggle against the Stormcloaks or vice versa. I am here because I would like to have the pleasure of seeing the Dovhahsken die with my own eyes, and preferably by my hands.[/color]. Dio then turned to point at the woman sitting in the chair. [color=yellow] She can attest that my words are true and I am indeed here as an ally in this endeavor.[/color]