[@Absolis][@Sombrero][@dirty slime] The Kid turned out to look over the field when he heard the cry. He didn't have any trouble recognizing the cry of a carrion bird calling to its friends. He thought about those mushrooms on the alien inside. He couldn't think of any good that would come from a flock of birds eating somebody covered in that. He saw Pofski come n out of the house and glance his way, and figured the man must have the same idea. The Kid nodded at him and started to make his way toward the source of the noise. Then he heard an unfamiliar voice and swung round. There wasn't supposed to be another living soul around here and yet there it was, some little cat like thing climbing all over the ship. He didn't draw on it, partly because he wasn't that on edge but mostly out of confidence, but the man visibly tensed up. He considered how he should reply to this white spectre out of nowhere and decided that the truth couldn't hurt. "Looking into a death. What are you doing here?"