1) Contrary to PUA teachings, attraction is not a skill, and is not something that, once perfected can be successfully replicated over and over again. Take for example a real skill, learning how to play the guitar, assuming you understand the concepts of music and musical theory, your guitar is both in tune and serviceable, and you place your fingers on the right place on the neck of the guitar, it will make whatever sound you want it to make.You see, the guitar is a neutral object, and it's not going to say "get lost, I am not going to play that C chord, or that B -flat note, it doesn't care either way whether you succeed or fail. A woman on the other hand is a human being (yeah, Captain Obvious I know), with a mind of its own, and irrespective of how well you present yourself to her, she can work with, or against you, and there's nothing you can do about it 2) You could say hypothetically, approach a woman and get lucky the first time, but what if the next 50,100,150, 200 etc women all tell you to get lost, does it mean your "game" is not tight enough?, or more accurately you are just not good looking enough in order to be preselected by women, I'd say it's the latter. The point I am trying to make here is, when you are interacting with a woman that you have a romantic interest in, regardless of how well you present yourself to her, you have no control over the outcome. When the PUA's teach men to approach women like crazy in the hope that they can get "better" with them, they are really doing their students a great disservice, as what will end up happening is that these PUA students will approach hundreds, in some cases thousands of women, and get rejected every single time, thus destroying what little self confidence and dignity they may have had.