[@thewizardguy] Armoring a ship with Forces is fundamentally impossible. The structure of a Force amounts to an aborted Bydo fetus with a docking/control system fused to it. They can't really take any shape other than a big glowy sphere with bits on. Were you to allow Bydogen to grow past that point, it would stabilize and cease to serve as a catalytic converter. Furthermore, it would also try to kill you because Bydo anger is hardcoded into their genetic structure and must be kept in check by a surrounding control unit at all times (this is how the Bydo Bind System in Command operates). On top of that, Delta's Cerberus unit DID attempt to integrate Bydo matter into the ship itself and had a Force linked directly to the ship. It stopped functioning shortly after completing its first mission and was never heard from again because the control systems failed and the ship ate its pilot. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PalRcMXCK0Y]Then in Final you fight it as a boss.[/url] You can check [url=http://rtype.wikia.com/wiki/Force]here[/url] if you want more info on how a Force functions.