[quote=Jorick] Agreed on the general idea, that it's not for everyone and only those of particular personalities and inclinations will really be happy with an internet relationship, but some of your specifics are things I disagree with. For instance, I'm an introverted person who rarely interacts with people other than my family face to face, but I'm wholly against the idea of internet relationships for myself because of them being internet things rather than real life things. The way you said it made it sound like all introverted internet nerds would be cool with that kind of relationship, but that's not the case. Oh, and that part about greater trust and lack of lies? Bullshit. There's a (shitty) movie and a (horrible) TV series called Catfish that deals with people in internet relationships that find out the other person was a lying fuck the whole time; I know there have been things on there worse than someone saying they're hot and actually being an ogre, such as a woman pretending to be a guy to fuck with some lady she was pissed off at. The internet relationship thing actually allows for greater lying potential, it does not inherently have any trust bonuses over real life relationships in that area. [/quote] Alright, I need to rephrase what I said then, what I meant to say is that more trust is needed to make it more, because even a sliver of doubt makes people think of the catfish scenario. And I was only saying more likely, not like every nerd ever.