Phoebe always found it strange to introduce herself. What surname did she use? "I'm Phoebe. You don't need to be nervous, Lex. We have already had a Luther here, after all. God knows where Anthony is though. He kind of disappeared" she wondered briefly if Lex would know, but decided she didn't care enough. "I don't believe our parents have any influence in how we are treated-the whole point of the school is to be trained, not judged after all" [@Zerofighter] [hr] "Oh, I suspect he'll be a ripe old age before he finally gives in. Of course, my mother might make him retire sooner. Ingot is ever developing. Sometimes I'm surprised by it" Connor smiled, "I'd like to see your new skills too" he looked about at the new and old students, and nodded in agreement, "seems like it. Well, the school is becoming more known, and there's been reports of new powers out there, some people developing powers. I guess the school brings them in. Safer that way, I suppose" [@Mistress Dizzy]