[b]Day 16, Midmorning[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther: lvl 9[/color] [@BlackPanther][@DestinyStar] [color=8882be][i]Edgar smiled at Scarlet's outburst of eagerness and fearlessness. And her response to his little rambling comment. He looked to Reaper though for his response, and nodded with a little relief, when he politely refused. Edgar had survived yesterday, but only barely, and he was very well aware that his "duel" with the guard had been won mostly by sheer luck. He certainly wasn't eager to make any more withdrawals from that account anytime soon. Lady luck could be fickle, but she absolutely despised those who tried to use her for a crutch. Or at least that has been Edgar's experience. He wondered ... would ... well, never mind that, there would be time for that later.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"He's right, I only just reached my ninth level yesterday. I can repair most weapons and all armor straight through level 20 though. I can make most heavy and medium armor for players straight through the 20th level too. I guess I should take some time to make myself better gear this morning, since I leveled twice yesterday, and will soon be at least two levels higher, if Reaper is right, and he hasn't been wrong yet. While I'm at it, is there anything I can make for either of you, as payment for your helping me level safely and quickly?"[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I address Scarlet, knowing she'd be the one who needed convincing. While I talk I fidget nervously, my hands balling and un-balling my cloth napkin in my lap. I wasn't used to being on the receiving end of so much help. I had, after all, been spending all my time up till yesterday helping other players as best I could. Last night had been nice, because I'd managed to be helpful again, after spending a day being pampered and kept alive, entirely by the will of another player. And now two players easily twice my level, would be wasting time helping me catch up. Scarlet would learn better fighting things closer to her level, not the weaklings I had trouble dealing with. Hopefully I would at least be able to make something for them to compensate them for their time.[/i][/color]