[@Expolar] [@Crimson Raven] [@Natsume Honnaji] [@Raijinslayer] [@Lunarlors34] [Prince of Seraphs] [b]Lux Harken- Dome Battle[/b] The ghouls reacted surprisingly quickly considering their drone nature. Two jumping to buildings on either side of the street while the third lept right for Lux. They left behind much of their lower leg armor to dissolve in the golden ground. It was worth it though, considering the alternative. Lux did not move as the third drone lept for him, only a slight smile fliting across his face as he watched his impending doom. The reason was soon shown however. A blob of light rose up from the layer across the street and intercepted the ghoul. With no way to divert while still in midair the hulk of animated meat impacted the blob and was reduced to flailing wildly in an attempt to escape. Unfortunately for the drone it's efforts were in vain. The globe floated slightly above the street and had the consistency of a thin gel. Held suspended in the center of the globe and unable to find purchase to push off of the monster was doomed. Lux left it to be purified and turned his attention to the other two drones. They watched him with renewed caution after seeing what had happened to their comrade, as much as these things recognized comrades that is. Simultaneously the pair each turned one of their arms into a tentacle, the other limbs still holding them tight to the sides of their respective buildings. Once again simultaneously the pair sent their tentacle arms whistling towards the light mage. Lux's already impressive kinetic vision was being boosted by his magic's passive reinforcing effects though, allowing him to twist out of the path of one and grab hold of the other. The magic infusing the glove on his hand was sending off white motes where it was already at work purifying the offending appendage. The magic covering his shoes fused with that covering the street and provided the young man a sturdy footing as he pulled at the ghoul. Normally such a task would be impossible, the hunk of living meat had three limbs holding it to the bricks of the building. This was by no means a normal situation though. Lux's armor did more then just protect him, it moved with his will. The cogs and rigid sections especially. Boiled down it meant that he received a significant boost to speed and strength while wearing the Armor of Light. In the end it made the impossible, possible. With a mighty heave the ghoul was torn from it's purchase and brought flying towards the person it had been trying to kill. With another twist away from the still flailing second tentacle Lux brought up the golden floor just enough to catch his target half a second shy from impacting him. The recently airborne monster's last ditch strike missed him, brought up unexpectedly short by the new wall. The same could not be said for Lux's strike though. A thought sent a sliver of power into the hilt in his hand, a spell used so often it no longer needed words. A blade of pure white light burst from the cross guard and in an instant the traveling knight had separated the monster's head from it's body. Immediately turning to the other monster he struck before it had the chance to run away. The hilt now becoming the handle of a bow. An arrow lept forth just as the ghoul screamed, landing in it's gaping mouth. It was slightly to the side but that hardly mattered as the arrow liquified and entered the beast to purify it from the inside. Taking only a moment to make sure that all three were dead, Lux took off running for the spot he had earlier heard shouts of fear and anger. The golden floor moved with him and any shadowlings that tried to attack him did a fair approximation of melting as they made contact with it's surface.