Admiral Faihe stepped up to the holo-communicator. "Hail all vessel's and show them the info we just received." He told the Ensign assigned to the controls. It took the boy a few minutes to fathom out how to ensure all ships were receiving but new officer figured it out, eventually. Faihe spoke to all the captains in Phoenix fleet as he showed them twelve Victory class Star destroyers, near thirty Imperial raiders, and two Resurgent class Star Destroyers. "This is the New Order fleet over Jakku, we need to secure it in order to give ourselves a clear hyperspace route into enemy territory. With that in mind were going old school on this one. Since the New Order trains it's officers much like the Imperials did they will use the Raiders to hold back fighters that go after the Victory's. However, they will advance to attack your vessels, blockading us does them no favors, you'll hold position and launch fighters, meanwhile the [i]Independence[/i] will be dropping in just behind the main enemy line, targeting the Raiders first all fighters and bombers will launch to assault the enemy Resurgent class vessels and disable any TIE's they encounter. The [i]Independence's[/i] shields will hold up against the Resurgent guns long enough for us to mop up the main fleet, forcing the New Order out of the system or to lose two of their most powerful ships in the first battle." As he spoke the holographic displays moved as he showed them the plan in actions. "Simulations states at worst we lose a dozen squadrons and a cruiser, compares to Imperials lose's... That would new twenty TIE's to every one of ours fighters we lose. Simulations are not real however so everyone stay on your feet. I'd like to say our first victory had no ships lost." Faihe then turned the Holo-communicator to himself, letting them see him. He dressed in full uniform, Admiral's bars pinned on his sleeve. His hair a tousled mess and a strip of cloth over the place his eyes would have been if he was human. "If can disable some of the Victory's please do, if we can recover data from the ships it would earn us a of love with the New Republic Intelligence Service. More they like us, the better our intel is going to be, which means more supplies and more trouble we get cause for these New Order captains." He paused as co-ordinates for the fleets jump were sent out to all of them. "Make ready to jump to Light speed... May the force be with us all." He bowed, as the call ended and all his fighters were accounted for he sent the signal telling the rest of the fleet to jump ahead of them, wanting ten minutes behind them the Independence made it's jump. the Mon Calamari projection experts prepared the shields as gunners lined to fire, in two hours they would be facing the first true space battle of the war.