[b]Penny[/b] [@liferusher] Thor seemed to have reached a desperate point, and Penny knew she had the battle in the bag. So Penny allowed the shock wave to hit her, even though she could have dodged it, especially with the platform heaving like it had been. She fell to one knee, grimacing slightly, deliberately falling so her hands touched the ground and both feet were there, but as Thor stepped closer to her, Penny looked up. And she smiled. [color=f7976a]"Good try. But when I am in my Phoenix Form, I'm a little bit resilient to magical attacks"[/color] Some might wonder why Penny didn't use this form all the time then. The simple reason was it was dangerous for her, and already she had used it more then she had intended. She knew she should stop it now, but still. Electricity needed to find a way back to the ground. As she felt it push through her, Penny felt its destruction to her organs, and then the healing following it. Keeping both hands and feet on the ground enabled the electricity to find a way out, lowering the paralysis, and added to her own magic, it enabled her to rise. She was pale, a little shaky, and her heart was fluttering, feeling weak and fast. But she was on her feet ,and as thor made to hug her, Penny shoved her back with a blast of flame. Feeling sick, Penny bent over, and couldn't help being violently sick. Which made her feel weaker still. Penny cursed, but she stayed on her feet, wiping her mouth. Her heart fluttered still, and Penny wondered if there was some damage to it, damage her magic couldn't fix. She'd worry about it later. Her mouth was dry, and she was sweaty, clammy. Her vision swam. It was a deliberate force of will to bring her vision back into focus. She did something even more dangerous to her body right then. [color=f7976a]"Phoenix Song : Energy"[/color] This worked on herself, and only herself, but using it like this meant there was a great risk to herself, but energy flooded her, and her skin flushed. Then she cut her Phoenix Form, wondering if she'd done permanent damage to herself. She'd worry about it later. She turned to see if thor was still up. [b]Michael[/b] [@Silver Fox] [color=00a651]"sometimes terrorists do things you'd least expect"[/color] Michael said softly, glancing about the stadium, [color=00a651]"Some armies have different ways of fighting, and a lot of magical energy at their disposal"[/color] He fell silent as the platform seemed to stabilise, letting out a slow breath. For now, the danger seemed to have passed. Michael hesitated, and then summoned a low level Angel, a messenger angel who he instructed to look about, remaining hidden, before looking up at the platform again. [color=00a651]"Sometimes we rely too much on our magic. You can't know they'd be able to fly-what if something happened? I don't like this, Prince"[/color]