Cody went over every inch of his cell, searching for any hidden cameras or Mocs-easier then one would think, given his sightless state. His fingers could feel even the slightest speck of dirt, and once he was satisfied, he approached where there had been the scanner. He found it interesting-how would agent Caits or any others get out? Surely they had to have some way. He would find it. And this time, he wouldn't reveal it until he knew he could escape. He didn't stay there studying the spot long, instead he went to sit on the bed, when he heard Gerswhin's call. Relief that she seemed alright was warred by the fact her voice wasn't strong. What had happened to her? He could still smell the blood. [right]'Gerswhin! Oh, I'm glad to hear you! Are you okay?'[/right] He spoke in an almost desperate tone, moving closer to the wall that was on her side of the cell so she could hear him better, wanting to be able to see for himself that she was okay. Well, see how he saw at least. [right]'I could hear your cries. What happened?'[/right] Although Cody knew, he wanted to confirm a suspicion, and he waited for her response. [hr] Agent Caits thought on Agent Dioxides words, wondering, fleetingly, if they were making a mistake. She didn't think they were, and figured they could always back out if things got sticky, but Agent Dioxide was right. If Baoning had given anything away, surely they'd be taken else where. Why had she been able to lie to big boss, and Baoning haven't? Why had she survived and he hadn't? These thoughts, and similar swirled around her head, as she tried to figure it out.