[h3][color=aba000]Captain Millon, Venator Class Cruiser [i]"Regardless"[/i][/color][/h3] Millon put his hand up to his chin in thought. [color=aba000]"Well, good to see he's already ready to get moving, I doubt I know half of the Captains in this fleet... I can see this going [i]"perfectly"[/i], can't you all?"[/color] Millon said after the holotransmission had ended. He received the coordinates for the jump, but decided to have them double checked. [color=aba000]"We don't want to be slamming into the planet's surface or drilling through a star do we?"[/color] The coordinates checked out, but they concerned Millon a little as they would be taking a basic Hyperspace Lane all the way to Jakku, no surprise stealth attack, no element of surprise... They enemy would surely be watching the entry point like a vulture. He was outranked, though, there was nothing he could do about it. [color=aba000]"All crew, prepare battle stations, we will be jumping to lightspeed momentarily. Have all starfighters fully repaired and combat ready by the time we arrive."[/color] This was what he could do at least. He still had direct command over his own ships. They weren't much, but he seemed to have brought more to the table than the other Captains from this unit. He had brought with him a small patrol fleet, the rest had brought one ship each. [color=aba000]"Wing Commander Kochiro, report to me when all fighters are ready for battle."[/color] The bridge was now bustling as naval officers readied the ships cannons, shields, and hanger doors. A few moments later, he received the message from the hanger. [color=f7941d]"Wing Commander to Bridge, fighters combat ready sir."[/color] Millon acknowledged, and contacted the Star Defender. [color=aba000]"Admiral, cruisers [i]"Regardless"[/i], [i]"Colossus"[/i], [i]"Crusader"[/i], [i]"Yavin's Fist"[/i], and [i]"Sacrifice"[/i] all check in green, ready to commence hyperspace jump."[/color]