[@Caits][@Silver Fox][@liferusher][@Joshua Tamashii] [color=662d91][h2]Zephyr/Loki[/h2][/color] Just when he was going to count Karn out and was going to take Penny out next, the boy transformed into a frog and latched his tongue onto his arm. [color=662d91]"Oh? Nice recovery.... Continue."[/color] He looked at the small froggy Karn before he turned into a bug and skittered in his sleeve. His eyes widened as he hesitated slightly in having black spikes pierce out from his sleeve all missing but destroying the top. Karn would come out his neck and go and land on Pyyrha who was saying he was more of a danger than the wingers were. Loki snickered before removing the destroyed top and laughing. [color=662d91]"Oh you are too good, Pyrrha right? Yep I decided you are my favorite! Although in reality I have to still use what Zep is capable of using. So me using two percent right now is almost pushing it, I can't use more of my power than I really want too. Otherwise his body would destroy itself. Yet how about a counter proposal beautiful. If we take out everyone else in the match, then I will jump off the edge myself. What do you say to that Pyrrha?"[/color] He was about to wait patiently before Thor's attack hit him from behind jolting him as the electricity surged through his body. Yet he cracked his neck and looked back at them. [color=662d91]"Friendly fire much there thunder bug?"[/color] He turned back to see Karn's eyes slit, like a cat that knew he was in danger. Loki launched forward at Karn aiming to plant both his hands against Karn's chest and then blast him off with a torrent of dark energy. This boy was odd, at other times he was silly and playful. Then suddenly serious and cracking jokes, was this an act to trick him? Did he not learn what god he was yet? [@Caits] [color=1a7b30][h2]Ike Riven[/h2][/color] Ike was watching the games quite amused, it only started getting interesting when the Dragon Fang mage acted completely different. Dementri had a point with two wingers, but if that boy was actually not in control and a god was, then it was a tough choice to make. Take the Wingers out so they don't get all the points, or take the god out so he doesn't steamroll everyone. Thor was going to need to go all out soon, if she liked it or not. The more she hesitated the more damage she took and the more likely she was next out the door. Thats when Gabriel came around asking for help then running off. He stared blankly at him before sighing and standing up. Taking a look to see if anyone else was coming and reluctantly joined Gabriel. He looked at him shove the games master aside and start doing something. [color=1a7b30]"I'm so not getting blamed if this fails, now what do I need to do exactly? All you are doing is grabbing a Lacrima and channeling your raw magic into it. Is that it? If so move aside, I have more magic stored in my body than you. Just explain how I don't push too much out."[/color] Ike said getting to the point, it was faint but he could see magic leaving Gabriel's body and entering the Lacrima. So thats how he knew what he was doing there.