[h1]Nidhogg[/h1] Robin's response brought with it a slight pause to Nidhogg's thought process, as he'd been expecting something more violent in response to being threatened with death by someone clearly not seeming like they'd give into such manners. It actually impressed Nidhogg a bit that the boy had the courage to even accomplish such a thing, and the fire in his eyes was quite pleasing. Then one of the other two decided to but in, and Nidhogg found his presence to be more annoying as he spoke. He was speaking like prey, trying to get him to turn away from his prize and focus on something that he had already lost interest in. To be honest, Nidhogg couldn't help but feel a little pang of predatory instinct push for him to leap at the boy, as he smelled ever so sweetly of fear and his bumbling through the dark made him seem very helpless and appetizing. However, before he could even get the chance to do anything, he was interrupted by a very . . . unexpected brat. "Shiro . . ." He began, his crimson eyes narrowing in a glare of warning as the white haired girl proceeded to try and tell him what he couldn't do. However, that was overcome by the look of pure, unadulterated hatred and malice that crossed his face as she mentioned the name of their guild master. The air would soon become thick with the oppressive feeling of his dark and foul magical energy, the pressure bearing down on those that stood across from him. Any cordiality or sense that this man could be reasoned with were crushed by the weight of the fury behind his eyes as his gaze turned from Shiro to Dawn, then settling on Cody. No words were spoken, only a soft chuckle that resonated within the chamber . And then there was darkness, as the light that illuminated the inside disappeared, the necrotic energy receding to line the dome with greater intensity. As soon as the darkness fell, the four would find themselves beheld to only silence, that was momentarily broken by the sound of creaking cracking bone. That was the sound of the thickness of the dome growing, as Nidhogg was aware of Shiro's Limitations, and beyond that, he knew that Manami would get involved the moment he laid so much as a finger on the stupid girl. The moment it appeared that Shiro would reach out to touch either Dawn or Cody, however, she'd have to move quickly or be caught on the receiving end of a vicious attack by Nidhogg, a sucker-punch straight to the gut, his arm wrapped in the haunting blackness of his assault form, which only continued to grow over him as he took on the blackened form, bringing with it a palatable thickness to the air around him, a sense of awe-inspiring terror that would likely freeze the light mages in their place as they were forced to feel the brunt of his presence. Two blazing red eyes would stare down at the white-reaper of Shadow Heart, but no words accompanied them, for this wasn't the Nidhogg that joked around or played with his food. This was the Nidhogg that would torture and kill scores of people, that destroyed everything in his path, and would raze the earth with his rage. Without any motions at all, the ground beneath Dawn and Cody would erupt as a flurry of skeletal hands would grab and pull at them, their energy draining grip would be as strong as iron as they attempt to pull the two into an early grave, their magical energy draining rapidly due to the sheer number of clawed appendages grasping them, which easily reached into the dozens. In this darkness, the shadow creatures(largely forgotten about) found themselves trapped and probably a bit confused as they saw that no one in the dome seemed interested in them. As such, they decided to simply stay out of the fight for now and simply take in as much of the darkness and shadow as they could, growing larger and more powerful while at the same time feeling a strong apprehension towards targeting the large black mage and his prey. The aura he was giving off was highly intimidating and even seemed to make the earth rumble a bit. [hr] As the largest creature saw the other fight and die against the skilled mage, he growled, pacing in front of them ever so slightly as it seemed to try and figure out some plan of attack. However, suddenly and withou warning, the creature would turn around and run away from Ferrin towards the smaller dome, which suddenly seemed to be growing in size, pushing nearby debris as it pushed forward, even knocking down nearby building as it cracked the foundation. The creature would phase through, making it's way though about 4 feet of nine before it finally reached the inside, the necrotic energy doing nothing to the undead monstrosity as it made it's way into the interior. A low growl was the only indicator of it's arrival, and it would stalk around the perimeter as it waited to see what it should do in this situation. [@Silvan Haven][@Crimson Raven][@Lunarlors34][@Expolar][@Prince of Seraphs][@Natsume Honnaji] P.S: So I'm thinking that, given the temperaments and power levels of Dawn, Robin, and Cody, that they'd be rather crippled by the fear aura that comes with the assault, but it's not completely set in stone. If you want to break fear, just be sure it makes sense and I'll be good with it, though I do believe it would take some effort, especially if Nidhogg is right next to them. Also, with the lights gone, Nidhogg is going mainly by the smell of Shiro's sins(which she probably has a lot of) to locate her, she only has the visual que of glowing red eyes to find Nidhogg. This should be fun.