[quote=@Inertia] Here's mine, but I've somewhat took my other character and integrated him here, felt like he fit. The other rp also died really quickly before I could develop and have fun with him, and thought it would be a waste of character, so sorry for that op ^^. Tell me what needs to be fixed, cause I know me, and I probably screwed up somewhere. [hider=Levi (Warning angst!)] [hr] [center] [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-_hgZXL1Yisk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAI7g/l2guLNAo41U/photo.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=#c2c200][b]Name: [/b][/color] [indent] Levi Raven Lynn [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Quote: [/b][/color] [indent] "Morality doesn't matter when you're dead." [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Alias: [/b][/color] [indent] Static or Raven [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Age: [/b][/color] [indent] 20 [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Gender: [/b][/color] [indent] Male [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Family: [/b][/color] [indent] One, sister- Jaine Lynn. Dead- murdered. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Occupation: [/b][/color] [indent] -- [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] [indent] Levi stands at about the average height for his age. He has a striking accent, but not many people know off since he tries to seldom speak. The most unique and odd feature of Levi is his striking amber-yellow eyes as if they could see right through your psyche. He also has raven-black hair that makes him somewhat stand out. If you remove his mask, there are many scars eskewn on his jawline. Despite this, his looks seem to attract alot of women, particularly because of his eye color, but also because of his 'good looks.' He tends to wear dark clothing, with a bit of white underneath everything. His most distinct feature that people would notice is his peculiar gas mask, which doesn't even follow the traditional gas mask as it's somewhat sliced in half and only covers the lower part of his face. This odd gas mask works just like a normal gas mask, filtering out gases and the like. Said mask has scratches all over, and is also a matches the black theme of his 'hero' outfit. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Method of Operation:[/b][/color] [indent] His fighting style mainly consists of speed and agility. He uses his electricity to augment his speed and to imbue his Kukris and anything else with electricity. He is methodical and technical rather than brute and raw strength. Levi doesn't really care if his identity is known to the masses, since the ones who cared and loved for him is dead. The general public know him mostly as an anti-hero, he gets the job done. Because of this attitude of his there is a sort of fear laced amongst the rumours about him with the populace. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Superpower: [/b][/color] [indent] Electricity Manipulation, also his lightning is a dark amber-yellow, like his eyes. Electrokinesis is the psychic power to manipulate energies, electrical currents, and generate electricity with the mind. Users are able to conduct, generate and manipulate a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Strengths/Moves[/b][/color] [indent]Levi can freely manipulate electricity as he wishes. [b][i]Static aura:[/i][/b] Lightning cascades and crackles around Levi, giving him an intimidating air/aura. It can also be directed towards enemies or objects. Levi tends to unconsciously keep this 'move' on, especially when he's wearing the mask. [i][b]Imbue:[/b][/i] While not a move per se, he tends to imbue the weapon(s) he uses with electricity, that makes them solidify and harder to break, while also giving a numbing feeling of electricity jolting through you. [i][b]Lightning's indignation: [/b][/i] He pulses electricity through his right hands and slams the ground, breaking said ground and lightning travelling through the floors in a cone infront of Levi. [i][b]Thunder's gait:[/b][/i] Each of Levi's step is augmented with Lightning, allowing him to travel great distances easily. His speed is augmented as well, allowing him to fight toe-to-toe with the fastest combatants. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent] Water can short circuit his powers, he is also not the 'tanky', meaning he can't handle hits as good as much as other strength based heroes can, but he can take a few. Because most of his skills are oriented towards speed, he lacks in the other areas, but tries and makes up for it in training. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [indent] Likes reading and cooking in his spare time, as he has to feed himself. He is also a master of gathering information and 'extracting' them out of key people, albeit, painfully. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [indent]Two Kukris- Silver and Aegis. Small concealed knives around his body. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Biography:[/b][/color] [indent] Levi was born to two non-descript parents, whom he never really had known as they died of unknown causes when Levi was only a few years of age. The only figure he knew of, and loved is his siter, Jaine Lynn. She was the one who practically raised Levi, because of this, he has had a never ending adoration for her. They lived a hard life but they never really detested his position, instead humbly accepting it. His sister took many jobs to try and make money so that they can get through the day, Levi soon took jobs when he was legally possible to. Until [i]that[/i] happened. At the ripe age of 12. The day was cloudy and cold, out of the norm as the day was warm and sunny. Levi was walking to his new found job- a simple dishwasher at some restaurant. As the air grew colder, the light turned to darkness. Levi had been knocked out and then dragged into a van by dark clothed individuals and drove away. By the time Levi came to he was on a metal table. He had a gag on and he was tightly strapped against the cold, metallic table. He was in a dark room, the only lights coming from the two lamps above him. Doctors with masks and glasses that glistened against the light, preventing Levi from seeing their eyes, were all around him, silently whispering amongst themselves while writing things on their clipboards. What looks to be the head scientist walked up to him, "Hello subject 627, you will be our human test subject for Project E.H.L.M." the doctor said, a frigid and aloof voice, "I see that look in your eyes, but you will thank us for gifting you the next evolution of mankind, infact you should be grateful." After that, Levi became privy to days upon days of 'tests.' They coursed lightning and electricity through his body each day, all the sessions taking many hours. His screams echoed throughout the dark room. It seemed like the room was sound proof- otherwise someone would have heard his agonized and bloodcurdling screams. The tests would stop a few times, and he was allowed to catch his breath for give minutes. After each day, he was escorted by stoic people in uniforms to his cell. They would throw food in there, which Levi would scramble to it. After a few months, they would find little to no result in Levi's 'tests', he would have not been able to manipulate electricity as they expected. This had made the tests three times worst than before, and when even that didn't work, push came to shove. Soon after, he opened his eyes after hours of tests, and he found his sister standing infront of him, her eyes filled with fear and worry. Levi tried to scream but it was all for naught as it was muffled. They began torturing his sister infront of him, in an attempt to stimulate something within him. Through eye filled tears he tried to struggle free. The restraints were too tight, but he struggled anyway, the restraints now lightly tearing his skins. His struggles were cut short, as his sister's body fell to the floor, blood budding all around her. Levi stood there shocked, and something in his eyes snapped. His eyes glowed yellow, and electricity began to dance around his body. The scientists were all overjoyed, but they did not expect his power to be that strong. The lightning had burnt the restraints off, and with tears dripping out of his eyes, lightning crackling strongly around him, he released an outburst of lightning that reached and touched all the surrounding people around him. Their bodies soon dropped, and their eyes into the back of their heads. The head scientist cowered in a corner, Levi turned his head slightly towards him as he was turned around. His scowl deepening, as lightning silently sizzled around him. He started walking towards him, his eyes wreathing with anger and pure rage. He stepped infront of the cowering scientist, "We- We made you, the next iteration of humanity!" he said, shaking in genuine fear, "Don't- Don't kill me, I- I CREATED YOU, YOU MONSTER." Levi silently watched him tremble in fear, he raised his hands and made lightning run through it. He stabbed the scientist through his chest, instantly killing him. He promptly went infront of his dead sisters body, not even being able to hear her final words. He dropped down and began softly sobbing on her body. After many hours of sobbing, he began loathing himself- not being powerful enough and warranting his sister's death. He got up, and carried her body outside. After making a ways away, he made a grave for her. Which he visits alot. [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Theme Song:[/b][/color] [indent] I'll add this soon, when I find the appropriate song [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Relationships:[/b][/color] [indent] TBD [/indent] [color=#c2c200][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [indent] Penchant for stargazing, and general normal hobbies for some reason. [/indent] [/hider] [/quote] Everything looks good except for the backstory. I probably should have mentioned this, but "artificial" superpowers don't exist yet. Meaning, someone can't create a serum or the like that gives superpowers. It is completely at random. (Though people that have parents with superpowers seem to be more likely to get superpowers themselves.) What you _can_ do, is say that Levi was kidnapped due to the scientists using a super that can sense when someone has superpowers. So they sensed Levi had potential, and conducted experiments to bring it forth within him when it could've taken years upon years.