[h1][center][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/center][/h1] Ferrin was all pumped and ready for a fight, but then the thing up and ran. [color=silver]"Oh no you don't!"[/color] Ferrin snarled, his emotionless facade breaking. He charged after it, flaming sword oustreched. But at the last moment, if slid through the bone dome. Ferrin's thrust sank his sword a foot or so in the bone and stopped. [color=silver]"Damn."[/color] He swore. With a jerk, he pulled his sword out, and with a thought, extinguished the flame. He breifly glanced at the light mage, but he seemed to be whole. So, Ferrin left him alone. Ferrin glanced around the intirior. [i]A fine mess I've gotten myself into. A Shadow mage, and a necromancer. However, I do not think that this is the same Necomancer I am looking for. His magic is differnt, and he did not seem to be concerned with me. Still, I aught to help.[/i] He thought. However, a portion of his mind said, why bother? It was none of his business. [i]Its the right thing to do. Turning my back on this would be an insult to Fairy Tail's legacy.[/i] That thought disturbed him slightly. For something to have a legacy it had to be dead, right? He discarded the thought. Whatever, he did not have time for a philosophical meandering. Alright, the next step is... [color=silver]"You know, it is a little musty, in here."[/color] Ferrin said, conversationaly, as he walked to the dome wall. He set the palm of his Gauntlet against the bone, and concentrated. [color=silver]"I guess I should open a window! [i]Forzare![/i]"[/color] He shouted, pushing his palm forward. A blast of kinetic force rippled down his Gauntlet and a massive section of the dome exploded outward, leaving a hole large enough for even a tall person like Ferrin to step through without ducking. Sunlight blazed in, killing or hurting any of the shadow beasts in its way. Ferrin took a deep breath, and exhaled. [color=silver]"Ah, fresh air."[/color] He said. With that done, he turned around and approched the little dome. He telekineisis was innefectual; He could not feel the thought of anyone in the dome. [i]Hmm...I might be able to blast through it, but if I did, I may hit someone...[/i] He thought. Ferrin raised his sword, and executed a whirlwind of slashes on it, making quite a racket. Each individual slash did little, but left a scrach. He concentrated them in an X, each one deepening the stroke. Soon, there were substantial gouges. [color=silver]"I have always wanted to do this."[/color] Ferrin remarked, aloud. He lifted his Gauntlet and banged on the dome hard. [color=silver]"Little pig, little pig, let me in..."[/color] He chanted. Then, he drew back his fist and gathered magic in it. [color=silver]"Or I will huff...and I will puff..."[/color] He gathered more magic, [color=silver]"...and I will [i]blow[/i] your house in![/color] On 'blow' his Gauntlet let out a blast from the elbow that propelled it forward, then Ferrin released the aether-enhanced kinetic magic he had been gathering in a blast of pure force on impact. Whatever magic that may defend the dome, he was sure he could break it. [@Silvan Haven][@Raijinslayer][@Lunarlors34][@Expolar][@Prince of Seraphs][@Natsume Honnaji]