[quote=Turtlicious] There's a higher expectation for communication, because you won't see each other, what would be acceptable in an off-line relationship (maybe calling 2x a week and that's it,) wouldn't be enough in an internet relationship It can also be a lot closer emotionally, you kind of run out of things to talk about so you build bonds. Shared stories / jokes, reminiscing about the past, just constant levels of information sharing because there's nothing else to do so you get to know that person very deeply. There's an implicit level of trust once you start dating in an internet relationship That neither of you will lie, because that seed of doubt and mistrust is so much more damaging. [/quote] I honestly think offline relationships require more communication, and it's often deeper communication. Just because you don't talk on Skype or on the phone that often doesn't mean you don't communicate just as much as a couple in an online relationship. Plus, when you see that other person, there's a lot more communication channels to analyze. Verbal words, verbal tone, gestures, body language, eye movement, etc. In fact, I think the expectation for communication is the same, because we would all like to see relationships work out no matter the way in which they are conducted. "It can also be a lot closer emotionally, you kind of run out of things to talk about so you build bonds. Shared stories / jokes, reminiscing about the past, just constant levels of information sharing because there's nothing else to do so you get to know that person very deeply." Wouldn't you say that's what offline couples do as well? This is an expectation in a relationship, a norm if you will. And I find that when you start an online relationship, you almost never run out of things to talk about because people are just more comfortable communicating online rather than face-to-face. This mentality extends (at least, it did for me) when you start having Skype/phone calls and whatnot with that person. You already feel like you can tell them anything, so why stop? And I'm honestly curious- because I've never considered it before- but how is the seed of doubt and mistrust more damaging to an online relationship versus an offline relationship?