[h1][color=ed1c24]Cody Bloodstein[/color], [h1][color=00aeef]Mayami Fuyu[/color] and [color=7ea7d8]Shiro Hime[/color][/h1] [@Raijinslayer][@Prince of Seraphs][@Natsume Honnaji][@Expolar][@Crimson Raven][@Silvan Haven] #Cody on knees doubled over in pain already so can't move anyway, even with the whole fear aura. He'll feel the fear once the pain is gone I say :lol Shiro narrowed her eyes at the obvious predicament. She wasn't quite understanding what was Nidhogg's problem...as a member of Shadow Heart, one must follow the orders of Georgie to the letter shouldn't they? So shouldn't he be helping, not undermining Shiro here? "[color=7ea7d8]Duarthy-sama, I believe you're misunderstanding. Georgie simply requires something they have...you can kill them if you so desire after we acquire the item in question. I will not stop you, in fact if you so desire I might even assist.[/color]" She explained as he scythe was now levelled at the dark mage in question. She knew she couldn't take him on in a fight, especially if she was to keep him away from Dawn and Cody. No matter she would-she suddenly disappeared from view. Shoving Cody out of the path before pushing Dawn with her scythe handle, the hands now erupted out of the ground and wrapped around of Shiro. Even with her holy divinity, which wasn't made strong enough to resist Nidhogg, the pain was excruciating. She couldn't even cry out or scream, her voice had abandoned her, all that she felt was pain. Strong, crippling pain and the only noise she could make were some raspy breaths. She couldn't leap away using her magic, nor could she enhance herself. Her magic being drained prevented that. Manami had meanwhile entered through the top of the dome using her water to shield her from the darkness and lower her down. Upon finding that there was a secondary dome she slashed at the ground beneath her as she dropped beneath the dome. As she began to lose consciousness however a torrent of water now shot out from the ground and smashed into the hands holding Shiro, shattering them and thus freeing Shiro. A bed of water formed under Shiro to prevent her from falling now as a woman now formed from the water. She held Shiro close in a hug as she comforted her. Any and all of Nidhoggs attempt to either attack her and Shiro, or Dawn and Cody would be thwarted by a water sphere forming around of them (the insides would be empty of course, so they can breath :lol). "[color=00aeef]It's ok Shiro, I'm here now.[/color]" She mumbled as she encased Shiro in healing water. Shiro mumbled some sort of reply but Manami simply nodded her head. Standing up slowly now she gave Nidhogg a look that could kill, her normally tender and caring eyes were clouded over in anger. However her usual grace had yet to leave her as she simply tucked some of her purple hair with orange tinged ends behind her ear before sighing. "[color=00aeef]Jack, Jack, Jack. What on earth do you think you're doing?[/color]" Manami asked as she crossed her arms under her large bust. She wasn't impressed, however she would wish to avoid a confrontation with her own guild member if at all possible. Especially that of Nidhogg or even Maxie. Those two were monsters in battle, and Nidhogg in personality. Questionable about Maxie's personality. She wouldn't await a response before sighing. "[color=00aeef]No matter, I'll simply retrieve the book myself. Which of you two have it?[/color]" She asked over her shoulder. The holy aspect of her water should protect the two from the fear aura as well while healing any sort of small injuries they might've had. Cody had recovered at this stage and was staying awfully and suspiciously silent, so she decided to focus on him. Bending down now, and completely ignoring the seething Nidhogg, she was still within her water sphere after all, she sighed before reaching out and grabbing him by the scruff of his clock and held him up now. "[color=00aeef]Give me the Grimoire and we'll leave you alone. If you don't, I'll simply take you to Georgie. She'll get it out of you one way or the other.[/color]" Manami said as her eyes hardened once more. Cody struggled in her grip as he kicked out at her, but the water sphere was barrier was in the way. She had simply reached through as it was her own spell after all. Him hand over the book of Absolute Defence to whoever these scumbags thought they were?! Never! However she now dropped him before sighing as he didn't respond. Stepping his sphere now, a whip made from water manifested in her hand before she went to whip him...however the spell disappeared from sight as it got close. Cody had managed to look up in time to use his magic, but now closed his eyes and grimaced. She had done that to see if it was him or not...His eyes caught a glimpse of the guild mark on her thigh as his eyes widened...she..she. Regaining his composure now he glanced towards Dawn and sighed before he reached into his cloak. "[color=ed1c24]Fine. If it means Dawn is left alone...take it. Kill me if you truly want, but leave Dawn out of this.[/color]" Cody mumbled in defeat as he tossed a book to her which in bold letters said Absolute Defence on the title. Nodding to him with a sweet smile, she pocketed the book before turning back to face Nidhogg as the water disappeared. The crippling fear now came back however for Cody which petrified him to the spot.