Starfire had been situated in the tent set up for Raven upon her arrival back to camp. She had not budged from her best friend's side since. The Tamaranian Princess had taken a large quantity of drones up into the Earth's Exosphere where she could survive. Starfire stopped and floated in near zero G, she clenched her fist tightly and her eyes glowed green. Using her fury at Brainiac – how he dared to use her friends Cyborg and Raven against them and god knows what he had done to Nightwing. released a devastating explosion of light radiation without harming anyone on the surface below. Parts of techno-zombie rained down like small meteorites raining down upon the Earth. Within mere seconds she was back at camp thanks to her supersonic flight. She followed the Flash's speed trail from her vantage point above. With arms outstretched behind her and a green light trail in her wake. Now she sat by her friend's side with a most sombre expression. “Raven....” She leaned in closely to her. “Raven...please wake up!” She gently shook her by the shoulders. “Raven! RAVEN!” She felt desperately hopeless right now. Star was a tough cookie but she was also highly sensitive and caring for these people she fought alongside. And she refused to give up on her. “Surely there must be something we can do...” She softly sobbed and held her hands together in a prayer motion. Something then caught her attention. The sound of Nightwing's name. Her hopes were lifted with the news that he remained alive. For now. And then more talking, to what seemed like a newcomer. And then further commotion as they discovered someone else eavesdropping, to which Batman scolded the sneak. She heard him speak his name. [i][/i] She recognised that name. Maxus-El. The Prince of Almerac. How was he here? She was grateful to hear he had arrived in their time of need, but she was also shocked. She left Raven and gently set her hand on her forehead. “I'll be right back. I'm not going to lose you too.” She expressed sadly as she thought back to Cyborg, who now lay dead among the metallic soldiers of Brainiac. She would stay and protect her at all costs as Batman and his chosen were preparing to re-enter Metropolis on yet another suicide mission. But that's what Heroes did... Koriand'r (although she prefers being called Starfire now) emerged from the tent, her long flaming red hair furrowing across the shoulders, contrasted to her purple clad torso. She scanned her team mates. She laid eyes on Wally, the boy whom she met first and kissed when she arrived on Earth to learn the English language. Ever since she had been on the run from Tamaran and Blackfire...Komand'r. Who would surely enrage at the discovery that her pesky little sister had escaped the Gordadians clutches. And since that capture a couple years ago, she had not been in contact with her childhood friend via their parent's royalty, Maxus-El. She then saw Superbeast conversing with the latest arrival. Star clapped her hands together happily behind them. “Maxus-El?! How glorious it is to see you!” This latest news overjoyed the Tamaranian royal. He had not seen her in a while and so she was unsure if he would recognise her. Being all Tamaranians mostly looked the same in features. And so she would not risk a friendly hug yet as the two had a more formal relationship.