Robin was prepared to fight, even go all out, if need be however it now seemed as though he may not need to after all. It really didn't matter to him either way as long as the shadow beast got destroyed at some point. As for the thing that kept him from needing to fight, another mage, apparently from the same guild as the man he was going up against, had busted onto scene telling the man that he can't hurt the children because they need something from them but however he could feel free to kill Robin if he wanted to, of course it seemed as though the man didn't care about Robin in the slightest anymore. The dark mage was now focused entirely on the children, apparently the man really wanted what was forbidden for him to have, quite typical of a 'villian'. Robin continued to stand back and watch the exchange, the new person who busted in was named Shiro as he derived from the conversation, as she was speaking trying to protect the kids she hit one in the stomach after he stood up to try to fight. This entire time Robin hadn't let his guard down and the blades were still spinning around him making a circular blade around his waist just in case. Shiro, who was just defending the kids, was now saying as long as she got what she needed, a grimmoire apparently, she'd help the man kill them if he wanted. Robin wasn't really surprised or shocked at this fact, nor at the fact that the mean declined her offer with an attack on the two involving magic draining bones. Before the attack could get the two with the grimmoire Shiro had pushed them out of the way and taken their place. As if things weren't already hectic enough yet another person had busted through, this time with water from the outside, and rescued Shiro as well as began healing the kids. Robin assumed this was the other woman Shiro was talking about earlier. She seemed quite angered at the man but didn't bother with him as she turned her attention to the two with the grimmoire and managed to kid the boy to give it up. Once she got she left the boy and turned her attention away from him, at the same time the boy seemed to be unable to move crippled by what seemed to be fear. Seeing this Robin tried to think back to the last time he felt has been quite a long time..thinking about it he almost missed the feeling, but nevertheless he could see how much it affected the boy Robin decided to change his focus from the man he was ready to fight over to the boy, this could prove dangerous, but he was going to be quick about it. He didn't talk, nor did he walk over to him, he simply tossed the boy a sweet roll from his pocket and flashed him a warm soft smile before looking back at the others. Rather than speaking up or charging in he decided it was best for him to just observe...for now at least. [@Raijinslayer] [@Lunarlors34] [@Prince of Seraphs]