[quote=@Undine] [@HalfOfLancelot] Here he is. Accept him. Admire him. Love him. [hider=Robin Hood] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjE3NzcwMy5VbTlpYVc0Z1NHOXZaQSwsLjAAAAAA/through-the-night.regular.png[/img] [img]http://s3.favim.com/orig/141015/dean-winchester-funny-hot-jensen-ackles-Favim.com-2153943.gif[/img] [h3][i]"Rise and rise again until lambs become lions." [b]-Robin Hood[/b][/i][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] [color=228B22][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Robert Kirkless Gilbert Nottingham Roger Hereford Guy Simon Belleme Maude Derbyshire John Locksley the First [sub]Stubborn and unwilling to completely adopt a new identity for himself, his "new name" is simply an amalgamation of the various enemies that he's created in Mystvale. This name is actually a [i]shortened[/i] version of what he had drafted for his new name originally. That first version took up well over a page. (Robin Hood has a lot of enemies, needless to say.) After a lot of bargaining and begging, he settled on the shortened name. He adopted an extremely long name to protest the whole "you must choose a new name" thing. And yes. "The First" is a necessary and important part of his name.[/sub][/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent][b]Robin -[/b] Most people call him Robin because frankly, his name is far too long to remember. He doesn't respond to Robert. If people insist on calling him by his new name, he demands that they call him by the entire name. So yeah, just call him Robin for simplicity's sake. What in the world could inspire this amazing nickname? Could it be Batman's sidekick? Or the common name for the turdus migratorius? No, neither of them are epic enough for Robert Kirkless Gilbert Nottingham Roger Hereford Guy Simon Belleme Maude Derbyshire John Locksley the First. The inspiration of his name is obviously [i]Robin Hood[/i], the dashing, charming outlaw who stole quite a few hearts back in his day. The brilliant archer and swordsman that stole from the rich and gave to the poor in the name of justice. No, he's totally not tooting his own horn guys![/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]The Original Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Robin Hood[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Story of origin[/u][/b][/color] [indent]The various Robin Hood stories, plays, legends, ballads and such.[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]24 (348)[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Sexual Orientation[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Magic[/u][/b][/color] [indent]No and no[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Job/Position[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Robin is the owner of the local pawn shop. The pawn shop itself is a legitimate business, but it also operates as a front for Robin's [i]real[/i] job. Robin is a fence, and deals with the buying and selling of stolen goods behind closed doors in the back of his pawn shop. He purchases various paraphernalia without questions, and sells them to people at a high price (and they don't necessarily have to be money). The selection of goods usually vary, because stolen goods are unreliable for obvious reasons. Robin offers a variety of items, both magical and non-magical. Rumor has it that he also deals with drugs of various kinds. There's no way to confirm it though, unless you ask the man yourself. The final thing that he deals with? Information. If you're looking for leads on who stole your purse, or who slept with your significant other, etc, Robin is the person you should go to. While he's not necessarily a gossip, a man of his occupation often picks up strange bits of information and rumors. He's willing to divulge his secrets... For a price. Discounts are often given at his discretion.[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Years of perfecting his aim with a bow and arrow, running and fighting his enemies and climbing around have paid off, physically at least. His large 6'1 build is lean, but his muscles are defined. He's physically imposing as he often towers above most people, but his relaxed posture counteracts any intimidation. He doesn't slouch by any means, but he doesn't have a stick up his ass, either. His eyes are often confused as hazel, when in reality they're light green. There's always a mischievous sparkle in Robin's eyes, and they light up considerably when he thinks of something fun to do. Robin also has a slight splatter of freckles upon his face across his nose and cheekbones. His short, brown hair is often sticking up in random places because he doesn't really use any product in them. He showers at night, so when he wakes up there's nothing to tame his unruly hair. Robin's complexion is rather tan from being in the sun. His skin, hardened and tough from years of action and chafing is lined with various scars. There's a large scar starting at his right shoulder, and extends down to the upper part of his back. His chest also sports the remnants of a stab wound, right above his heart. Robin's hands are calloused from using various weapons, and are also dotted with various small scars.[/indent] [hr][hr][center] [img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/c70b716cc9e008cd239b8302aa8eb458/tumblr_mnm30bv6LQ1rxfigmo2_250.gif[/img][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/985ae9897aa18a869a9e3d93c76437dd/tumblr_mnm30bv6LQ1rxfigmo4_r1_250.gif[/img][img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/30d2f6f7265da6e2b68c78ddf9b51b3b/tumblr_mnm30bv6LQ1rxfigmo1_r1_250.gif[/img] [i]"You only live once, right? Heh, don't worry. I hate the word YOLO. I agree with the sentiment though."[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=228B22][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Say hello to Cedar Grove's resident bad boy. A winning smirk, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and a devil-may-care attitude; Robin embodies the stereotype of a lovable rogue. He's a man that's not bound by the rules and expectations of society, and instead always pushes those boundaries as much as he pleases. Despite the fact that he's often breaking at least a couple laws, Robin has a strong moral code and a strong sense of justice that he always upholds. He himself often operates within the gray areas of the law. What's a few petty crimes if it's for the greater good? Perhaps some people may find his moral compass slightly skewed, but it's there nonetheless. What else do you expect from the man famous for stealing from the rich to give to the poor? There's a certain reckless abandon in the way that Robin carries himself, and he could be considered a wildcard; you never quite know what you're going to get with him. There's a few consistencies though. He's full of snarky remarks and sarcasm. He's got that devilish charm; the kind that father's try to protect their daughters from. And above all, Robin is kind to everyone (well, not to his enemies, I suppose), and is the type of person to go the extra mile for a stranger. If there's anything that Robin lives for--besides his desire to help his loved ones--it's adventure. He loves living on the edge, the thrill of being pursued, and the rush of adrenaline he gets from doing something daring. As a result, he's had some close encounters with severe injuries and death, but he's managed to survive so far. Robin has some daredevil-esque tendencies, and is the type to jump into a pool with a cannonball. [/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Strengths[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Charming [*]Cunning and sly [*]Tenacious [*]Sleight of hand (May or may not indulge in the occasional pick pocketing); he's skilled in espionage techniques [*]Sneaky [*]Competitive[/list] [color=228B22][b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Addicted to thrills [*]Justifies all of his bad deeds [*]Good at lying, including to himself [*]Reckless [*]Arrogant and thinks that he knows best [*]Competitive [*]An arrow to his chest, right above his scar[/list] [color=228B22][b][u]Fears[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Failing his loved ones; Not being happy with life[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/b1596c5e67ff3e319ebf3a48a40bd3e3/tumblr_mqmbgqe0nP1rz2cbjo1_500.gif[/img] [i]"Have we got ourselves a deal?"[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=228B22][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Robin Hood: The protector of the weak. Steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He's been an outlaw for the majority of his life, pursued by the law, but loved by the commoners. Back in Mystvale, Robin made it his life goal to provide for the less fortunate. He's achieved quite a large bounty upon his head by the time they had to leave their home. At first, the relocation to Cedar Grove was exciting; it was a new world! New places to explore! Starting life in an unknown place. It was right up his alley. However, once the initial excitement wore off, it never came back. This world was so damn [i]boring,[/i] with hardly any fun to be had. Robin is absolutely bored in Cedar Grove. It's far too small for a large personality like his, and he's increasingly getting antsy. As someone who's always been an outlaw, it was natural for him to continue that lifestyle. However, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor wasn't as easy as it was back home. While Robin was never one to shirk away from a challenge, it simply wasn't practical anymore. And there wasn't a selfish king hoarding all of the gold for himself either. Thus he became a fence, dealing with the thing closest to a "black market" in a small town such as Cedar Grove. It's sated his need for adventure a bit, but not nearly enough. Although he's made good friends in Cedar Grove and has a stable life, Robin is bored. He's been getting increasingly reckless and daring to compensate.[/indent] [color=228B22][b][u]Likes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Archery [*]Thrills [*]Helping people [*]Parkour [*]Knives [*]Being outdoors [*]Competition [*]The woods[/list] [color=228B22][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [list][*]Boredom [*]When his hands get sticky [*]Being anchored down in one place [*]Bubble gum [*]Cheesy romcoms[/list] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/1fa10fb54fa69a9cd1dfa98c2e1729bd/tumblr_n0m6v4S9xy1rswnafo1_250.gif[/img][img]http://55.media.tumblr.com/f736f2ed630cd519ed701b3cb48be071/tumblr_n0m6v4S9xy1rswnafo2_250.gif[/img][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/5ad1d095fb66e37092f612b93906cdd2/tumblr_n0m6v4S9xy1rswnafo4_250.gif[/img] [i]"Oh, yeah. I guess I'm bleeding. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt... Much."[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [/hider] [/quote] Oh Hermes. :( [quote=@Brithwyr] [@McHaggis] Also, another Scot. Good to see you. [/quote] Also a Scot right here.