They couldn't keep fighting like this, the bandits and the men in suits were just too much for them. If they stayed around much longer and continued to fight on someone was going to be seriously hurt or worse. After sending Amuné down after Cecil, Ethan took a moment to gauge his options; the fighting was worst up above deck, yet if he left Amuné and Cecil without help this woman might go after them. If he could get those two, get back onto the deck, then maybe they had a fighting chance. At least to get out of here, he no longer cared for the job they were on. Taking advantage of the woman's dazed state he rushed for the stairs leading deeper into the ship's belly, desperate to grab his friends and go. Before he'd even reached the bottom of the steps the sound of wood shattering spooked him, and after a brief pause he raced into the hull to find it... Empty. Baffled Ethan entered the room and glanced up at the hole above him, astonished to find it led all the way up and out of the ship. And way up in the air above? Cecil and Amuné. By this time there were scarcely any bandits left, then it was simply dispatching the children to finish up here. These criminals were already pitifully warn out from such poorly trained fighters and it made them easy picking, they would be done with this job in no time. Dispatching another man with an overcharged shock the four men advanced further onto the deck, heading for where Nymira and Zander were taking refuge from their attackers. Using the ice gauntlet they destroyed a handful of crates and slowly whittled away their limited cover, making a sort of sick game out of uncovering their location. "Come out and surrender, save everyone the trouble," the man with the gauntlet taunted, taking aim at another set of crates. Out of his view Nymira was tensing up behind the thin material, bracing for the sting of ice tearing through her flesh. Expecting an attack on her person Nymira prepared for the worst, and yet it appeared it wasn't her who was under attack. The sound of the deck being split and wood scattering all over was the first sign something had changed. Lifting her chin she glanced up in the air curiously and gawked at Cecil high above in the air, Amuné tucked under one of his arms as he dropped back to the floor. In a vicious display his hand shot out and grabbed hold of the man with the gauntlet, yanking him headfirst into the hard floor before the limb retracted. Now fully alerted to the new threat the other three men turned on Cecil, yet that didn't prepare them for his onslaught. Another was taken by the neck and lifted high, thrown down then onto the deck with a bone shattering crunch that made even her seasoned stomach churn uncomfortably. Where was all of this coming from? How was he doing this? "A Machina?! Damn it, put that thing down!" the lead man shouted, glaring at Cecil as he flicked the lightning rod to its full length. Seeing the hand come for him this time he swiftly ducked to the side to avoid being grabbed, a bandit becoming the next victim as he was grabbed by the head, Cecil's massive palm covering his face and pushing him back and into a wall, denting the structure and practically embedding him there. A combat class, here? None of them should even by out yet never mind in the hands of some bandits, just what in the world was happening here? Growling in frustration he glared at his final remaining ally and gestured towards Cecil, determined to have him beaten. "Tear him apart and bring me his core, I'm not going to allow this to go on any longer!" Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong here. As Ethan was racing up the stairs he could hear men yelling and the sound of something slamming into the deck, something human. He had just come up through the door of the cabin when the bandit was thrown back into a wall, his eyes widening seeing the blood splatter as his body all but crumpled from the impact. This wasn't right, this wasn't right at all! They were supposed to be using non-lethal tactics, nothing came of their killing anyone. Heroes didn't take lives, they found ways to solve problems without doing that! "Cecil, stop! Don't hurt them!" Ethan shouted, scrambling out to try and put a stop to things. "You got it, I'll tear this heap of scrap into shreds," the man responded, grinning as he reached into his coat. Pulling free a two-pronged blade he flipped a switch on it, a spark igniting in between the halves before flames engulfed the blade itself, glowing white with intense heat. This would sever his metal body in a single strike, no fancy machinery was going to help him with this. Advancing on Cecil he prepared to take a first strike, raising his arm to swing the blade and send an arc of fire his way. At the height of his swing however the flame was suddenly snuffed out, a strong gust of wind reducing his intense fire to nothing more than smoldering embers. Baffled the man looked to his side and saw Ethan standing there, turning to raise his weapon on him as well. Before he could get his sword lit again he found himself on his back, having been tripped up by a wire that somehow ended up behind him, before a knee was driven into his back and the sword wrenched from his grasp. Trying to break free the man found a blade at his throat then, unable to move at all now. "Cecil. Put Amuné down and step away from her," Ethan said firmly, sounding unusually cold as he kept his eyes on the man beneath him. The sound of electricity crackling made him turn his head to the final man advancing on him, glaring at the weapon in his hand. Releasing his grasp on his captive's arm he threw a hand to the side and knocked the final man into a wall nearby, knocking him out on the impact. Then, grabbing a hand full of his captive's hair he slammed the man's face into the deck, probably breaking his nose as he knocked him out as well. "We're not supposed to kill, you know we're not supposed to," he continued, finally getting to his feet. Despite his face glistening with sweat and feeling incredibly lightheaded from expending so much magic he stalked towards the Machina, reaching out when he got there and taking a handful of his shirt, pulling him close, "So why are you killing people, huh?!" Ethan screamed, tears welling up in his eyes as he shouted, "We're the good guys, we don't do that!" Was that it then? The fight was over? The men had taken care of the bandits for them and Ethan just knocked the final two out, so that must mean they had won. Nymira couldn't relish that fact however as it appeared two of their own were about to get into it, furrowing her brow as Ethan began screaming. Where was his happy, absurd demeanor? This was unusual, was he like this before they met? Using the crate at her back for support the Dimuran pushed herself to her feet, wincing as her body threatened to collapse under its own weight, the exhaustion taking its toll. "Don't fight you two, we're comrades. And we've won, it doesn't matter what happened or how..." Nymira interjected, sighing as she watched Ethan continue to glare at Cecil, "He saved our lives, that should absolve him of anything he might have done. Just let it go."