[center] [h3][color=HotPink]Evan[/color] [color=gold]'Sunshine'[/color] [color=HotPink]Smiles[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/t3gEonL.png?1[/img] [b][u]Market District - Bank[/u][/b] [/center] After rendering one of the goons useless, Evan set his sights on the other side of the battlefield to support Psycho Spiral. He had the advantage of traveling between two destinations rather easily thanks to his ability. So, he continued to fly his way over to assist the D-Ranked hero with his ignited arm ready to use another close range burst attack. Along the way, he managed to dodge the rubble projectile mid-flight that was presumably intended for Psycho Spiral. [color=HotPink]"I'll save you friend!~♥"[/color] He yelled out as he was closing in on one of the goons who threw the rubble at his newly proclaimed friend, even though they barely knew each other. When he got in range, he used the same technique that was used against one of the goons not too long ago. A burst of energy pellets blasted into the goon's face, only this time Evan was really feeling the effects of coating his arm too long. At the same time, the goons would notice Evan ceased his leg jets after he stopped and attacked right in front of one of them. Looking like he is here to stay and battle alongside Psycho Spiral for now. [color=HotPink][i]My arm is starting to really sting. I'm going to have to switch to my other one now...[/i][/color] With that in mind, the flames on his right arm were extinguished and the energy coating vanished to avoid further pain. [@Leaves][@VitaVitaAR][@Great Sogeking][@Grey Star]