De had gotten done with shattering a skull under his boot and with adrenaline still flowing he turned around to see. Stillness. It was over and it took a few blinks and head swings for him to realize it. He put his hands to the sides of his helm and lifted it off so that he could breathe cleaner air despite their swamp of dead bodies. He wedged the helm under his arm and returned his long axe to his back. This took some effort to maneuver but it was safer for passerbys that way, including his proximity to Orion. His face was damp from the perspiration of his intense exercise and perhaps it looked a little different than one would guess. His armor was intimidating and heavy, but under the collar of the breast plate he seemed much smaller inside. In fact he was rather younger than expected with no stubble on his cheek or bushy sideburns to speak of. It was strange in that the way he moved during battle seemed that he would look the more gruffy, jaded stereotype. An elvish woman (heck they practically were all elvish as far as he could tell) rose to the occasion and soothed the situation with the hostages. She even paid homage to Orion and himself in which De smiled slightly and nodded. As she went on De would only get more confused as the conversation of an Olgrif, a Tree ent had sent this platoon of people to free the hostages initially. He felt a little dumb by the fact that he had never seen a tree ent before seeing as these people are so fond of him, do all forests have tree ents to watch over them? Waiting through the conversation the spry old man said that there would be a reward for the team including he and Orion on the condition that they clean up first. 'Seems fair enough' he thought and he began to bend over to haul bodies over his shoulder like hay bailing. In the process of lifting another body he noticed that one of the elvish girls had begun to try and satisfy her curiosity about them. She picked him first for his brains. "Literally passing by.." He said simply. De carried two bodies over each shoulder and was able to balance himself until he had gotten to the pile outside and dumped them one by one. It was there that he flinched in suddenly hearing a high pitched squeal of a puppy. "..............what."