Collab between Joshua and Amaya Amaya hummed finishing up preparing some fresh new bedding for any new arrivals that might be brought in while she was at school. She was about to get up when one of the other shelter volunteers came in shutting the door behind her [color=purple]"He's back..."[/color] the girl said as amaya stood up [color=skyblue]"I thought he was sent away to that all boys did he know."[/color] said Amaya as she heard the familiar whistling as she felt a chill run down her spine.[color=skyblue] "Don't worry about him just continue...your job he will leave you be...hopefully "[/color] she said opening the door moving past the girl to go put the extra supplies up. She sighed seeing her biker wannabe gangster of an Ex boyfriend waiting for her at the front of the shelter. [color=orange]"I didn't expect to see you working at some shelter ama."[/color] he said [color=skyblue]"I volunteer here for your information and I thought my father made it clear to not come anywhere near me again Kai"[/color]she said putting the supplies up and fixing the back counter. [color=orange]"Your old man doesn't scare me, I'm surprised he hasn't kicked the bucket yet ans handed all he owns to you"[/color]he said. [color=skyblue]"Go away Kai, your not scary or anything just annoying and for your information my father isn't that old and he knows I want nothing to do with his business or who he is partners with so I could careless and why are you even concern about my family cause you will never get a single dime of it"[/color]she said. [color=red]"Alright, I got her general description down. Thanks Sakura."[/color]Joshua said, hanging up as he continued to drive down the streets. He had barrowed one of Raiden's cars. And by barrow, he meant took the keys and drove off with it, since driving the girl he was supposed to protect on a motorcycle without a second helmet seemed rather stupid. After a few minutes, he arrived at the shelter and parked the car before heading inside, whistling to himself. When he entered the building, he spotted a girl who matched the description of the one he was supposed to be protecting talking to another boy and approached them [color=red]"Excuse me."[/color] He said, pushing Kai aside before looking down at Amaya. [color=red]"I assume you're Amaya Yashia?"[/color] Kai was about to respond when he heard footsteps before he was pushed to the side as he got back up shoving Joshua [color=orange]" hey buddy who the hell do you think you are coming in here, putting a finger on me and then have the balls to speak to my girl without my permission"[/color] he yelled angrily. Amaya sighed putting her left hand on her closed eyes as she countered to ten softly to keep calm before she took her hand off her eyes before opening them [color=skyblue]" Yes I am her...what is it that you could possibly need. Kai, I told you before we are not together and we never will I am not your girlfriend or your property."[/color]she said very annoyed with him as she turned her attention back to Joshua. Joshua repositioned his feet so that when Kai shoved him, he didn't budge an inch. Otherwise, he ignored the little man. [color=red]"The name is Joshua and your father has hired me as a body guard. And before you say anything, he has told me you would object and informs you that you have no say in the matter. You are stuck with me Madame."[/color] He said, giving her a slight bow for formality's sake is nothing else. Also, he had a feeling it would piss off the other kid. [color-skyblue]"I can't believe he would do this once again. All over a stupid little letter tied to a brick...I will double what my father is paying you if you go on about your life and take him with you...I have to get to school and you too I do not need bugging me...especially you Mr. Joshua cause I don't need everyone staring at me and wondering if your my next stalker boyfriend...etc."[/color]she said as she really didn't want to deal with either of these two right now or ever. [color=orange]"Hey dipstick, I am talking to you. You better recheck who you are in the same room with. I am going to make you listen"[/color] Kai said getting even angrier. He reached his left hand in his pocket pulling out his switch blade knife. He twirled it around in his hand before striking out at Joshua Amaya gasped seeing Kai pull out the blade [color=orange]"Kai! Put the blade down and leave now before I once again call the police"[/color] Amaya exclaimed more worried about Joshua getting hurt Joshua saw the switch blade and reacted instantly, stepping back and grabbing Kai's wrist before throwing the boy to the, still holding his arm while placing a foot on Kai's back to keep him down. Putting pressure on Kai's back to keep him down, he turned to Amaya. [color=red]"Listen, I'm a professional. I will not be bribed so you're stuck with me. I will keep my distance, do not worry. But I will shadow you, since it is my job until such a time your father, my employer, says otherwise. And if you have little shits like this one after you.[/color]" he twist Kai's wrist and broke it with no effort. [color=red]"you definitely need the protection."[/color] [color=skyblue]"I don't care if you're a professional or not, it is hard enough to blend into my public school"[/color] She said watching him take Kai down in one swift motion. She moved towards them from behind the counter when she heard the cracking sound of Kai's waist breaking while hearing Kai's howl of pain. She got Kai's hand free from Joshua's grip before she moved Joshua back from Kai. She looked at his wrist completely silent before she pulled out her phone and quickly texted a number before she closed her phone. [color=skyblue]"I told your brother where to find you, there is no way your going to be able to drive or anything till that is properly set cause Rambo over here just broke your wrist and it will be painful once your shock wears off."[/color] She said before she got up moving over to Joshua. [color=skyblue]"Kai is a harmless puppy, he is all bark and no bite, you just don't go around and break wrists all casual like and yes there are other exs like him but all are just harmless boys nothing more!"[/color] She said chewing him out as she was against unneeded violence. Sure sh cared nothing about Kai cause he was harmless and didn't deserve what he got. [color=red]"A boy stops being a harmless boy the moment he pulls a weapon on someone and intends to use it one them. At that point, they are an enemy that needs to be put down or injured to the point they can't continue the fight. You're right, to someone like me he's harmless but against anyone else, he could possibly kill them. And if I hadn't done that, chances are he would've continued to attack me and I would've been force to break his wrist anyway. So no matter what, it was going to end this way."[/color] Joshua said flatly. He hated self righteous and selfish people and this girl was definitely the former and a bit of the latter in some ways. Still, he had to admire the gentle soul he could see inside her. Such things were delicate and easily destroyed in this world. [color=red]"As for whether all your exs are harmless or not is my call, not your call. You're the kind that's too soft and won' realize the danger someone poses until it's too late. Anyway, are you going to be late for your classes at this rate? I'll give you a ride and don't worry, I'll drop you a few blocks away so none of your classmates see you with me. Though, I still need some way of keeping an eye on you while still keeping enough of a distance to keep you happy. Gonna be tough. Drone's out of the question, it's kinda illegal and too noticeable depending on the model. Eh, I'll figure something out."[/color] [color=skyblue]"I grew up with Kai...I know him better then anyone else in this world...that is the way its always been. You need to be carefull or you will get the police on you, his family is as influencela as mine is..."[/color]she said clearly angery before she closed her eyes taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down before she went behind the counter grabbing her bags [color=skyblue]"Either way, I dont care if I am seen with you, I am sure that Father has gotten you a pass to be with me in the school at all times..."[/color]She commented heading for the door as she saw one of her father's cars [color=skyblue]"Please tell me you didnt steal this..."[/color]She added [color=red]"Borrowed. Borrowed without permission."[/color] Joshua said as he unlocked the car and got in the driver's seat. [color=red]"I didn't think your father would appreciate me driving his daughter on a motorcycle. Plus I didn't have a second helmet. Your father might find that I annoy him as much as I annoy you. but I do what I have to in order to get a job done, people's opinions be damned."[/color] Once Amaya was in the car and buckled up, he drove the car away and would stop it a small distance away from Amaya's school so as to not embarrass her, but kept an eye on her until she was safely in school. Leaning back in the seat, he wondered what he could do now. His job was to protect the girl, annoying as she seemed to be, but he didn't see that as an excuse to hover over her and ruin her life. SO he had to find some other, legal, way to keep an eye on her. He also had to wonder when Raiden would call about the car, if ever. Amaya sighed covering her eyes, she didn't know whether she should slap the hell out of him for stealing but she decided to just deal with it later. She got into the car and buckled up. She turned on the radio to her favorite station. She didn't even look towards him she just watched the scenary go by till they stopped. [color=skyblue]"You know you can come in..father probably got you approved to stay with me."[/color]she said before shutting the door before going inside her school, not caring whether he followed her or not. It wasn't like she had a massive group of friends. She had annamaria takashi and that was about it to ' true' friends.