[center][H3] [color=ed1c24]Scarlet/ Vale/ Private Mansion/ Monday Afternoon[/color] [/H3] [/center] [color=ed1c24]"Heeelloooo! Anybody home?"[/color] Scarlet had a big grin on her face and it showed her sharp canine teeth and it was quite obvious that she was more than excited to start the mission. Her tail was wagging back and forth very quickly. Despite her happy tone, the air around her was quite vicious, scary even. It was the aura of pure bloodlust. Her voice had caught the attention of multiple guards who stopped and turned to her before getting their weapons ready to shoot at her. Her tail stopped wagging as the air of a battle started to weigh on the surroundings. [color=ed1c24]"Okay, so I'm not getting in quietly. Oh well."[/color] She said with a shrug. She knew they were expecting her since this was more of a forceful extraction than a mere stealthy mission. She then took a deep breath before charging forward, heading towards the first guard she saw. They started to shoot and she deployed her shield. This protected her from the oncoming bullets and her constant changing of position made her a hard target to hit. She jumped high into the sky before aiming her right hand down at one of the guards and then a blade shot out, heading towards the guard. Scarlet would land and another blade would come out and straight onto her hand which now serves as her sword. She would begin slashing and hopefully dicing the guards. One moment she would appear like she was going to strike to the left and the other, she actually struck from the right. She was constantly using her Semblance, Illusion, making it hard for the guards being attacked actually know where she is coming from. Although she kept using it at a bare minimum since she didn't want to get tired so soon after starting a battle. [color=ed1c24]"You know, the Grimm are harder to kill."[/color] She pointed out, a small pout on her face as she stopped and waited for another moment to wreck havoc. Besides, she was sure that Ms. Vinca Pinkfresch would appreciate getting some action as well.