So Cody's suspicions were right. Gershwin didn't remember when she went into one of her episodes. No wonder she didn't know just what she could do. Cody hesitated, trying to figure out what to say to her. How could he explain, when all he had was what he had heard? He chose his words careful, when he spoke. 'You...I guess you heard me scream out, when they...When they tortured me. You lost control, Gerswhin. Apparently...apparently you pounded on your cell door, doing severe damage to your hands...I don't know, Gerswhin, it's only what I've heard, but...did you have bandages or something on your hands?' He wasn't sure if this would upset Gershwin or not, or what he could actually do, to convince her, but she had a right to know what happened to her, didn't she? He waited for her to respond again, falling into silence, letting his thoughts wash over him. He angled slightly, so his back was to the camera's, laying a hand on the wall, he found a weak spot, a small, almost minuscule hole in the wall, and he let a trickle of light flood through it, wondering if it reached Gershwin's side. It was just something to do, as he thought, as he waited for Gershwin to respond.