[@thewizardguy] Name(s): The Sergeant, Nef Aeyo Appearance:[img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/7/70/NefAnyoDE.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20131207100410[/img] Faction: Corpus. ((Gonna make that faction sheet later)) Abilities: Invisibility: After setting off a flash bang grenade, Nef will utilize a stealth field generator, turning invisible to the naked eye, yet can still be detected by sensors, or by sticking him with an arrow...or setting him on fire...you get the idea. Equipment: Lanka Rifle Mk 2 Prototype: The Lanka Rifle, the standard issue rifle for all Corpus snipers, is a small scale railgun, slow to reload and fire, but dealing exceptionally high damage to their target. This rifle is able to punch though heavy space age armor, and energy shields, making it a devastatingly effective weapon at long ranges. The Mk2 can be loaded with special ammo types, allowing for delivery of Cryogenic, Thermal, or even disease filled payloads. This makes this experimental rifle both dangerous, and versatile. Proto-Shield Generator Mk 2 Prototype: A standard issue device for corpus crewmen, the proto shield generator protects the user from most forms of damage, but can be broken if to much damage is sustained over a short period of time. However, the Mk2 Prototype allows for one major improvement over the normal shields. Rather than electricity shorting out the shield, it now overcharges it, increasing it's protective power. The Mk2 also posseses a null field generator, allowing him to sacrifice his personal shield for a bubble shield, one that protects allies, and disrupts enemy mystical abilities while near it. Corpus Helmet: Standard issue among Corpus crewmen, this blocky bit of headgear excels at stopping ballistic weapons fire, but will eventually shatter, leaving his head wide open for lotsa bullets. Personality: A hunter at heart, Nef is rather cocky, taunting his foes via transmissions from a coms device. He is quick to insults, and is willing to torture those he needs information from. Sadistic, cunning, and rather blood thirsty, Nef is not one to be trifled with. Short Bio: Formerly a manager of a solar rail system, meant for transporting WMDs, known as warframes, Nef was almost killed in an assassination attempt by a group known as the Tenno. However, the arrival of the Anti-Spiral's fleets quickly diverted their attention from Nef, as they attempted to, along side the other major factions, to hold off the small splinter of the Anti-Spiral's forces. Now, Nef has been redeployed, now a hunter of enemies of the Corpus, potential or otherwise. Universe of Origin: Warframe ((Or known to some, as warfarm.))