[center] [h3]Jessica Walsh[/h3] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/umineko/images/4/48/Ushiromiya_Jessica9.png/revision/latest?cb=20111113144749[/img] [/center] [center] [h2] [color=9e0b0f]Bold, Beautiful, and Lovestruck.[/color][/h2] Jessica is a beautiful person, inside and out. She has an obsession with her lover back home, and constantly talks about him. She doesn't take anything from anybody, and won't hesitate to call you out for your mistakes. [h2] Biography [/h2] Jessica was born to a rich family, however she was the product of her mother's affair, and she was always shunned for it. In all her years growing up she has become the underdog in the fight for the family inheritance, which will soon be inherited as her grandfather was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She wanted to win the fortune for her and her lover. She will constantly moan about how she lost the game, and how she'll never inherit. [b] Jessica brought a locket with a picture of her lover held tightly inside. [/b] [/center]