[centre][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/426b/f/2016/064/a/2/yeahyoufeelme_by_fenixking13-d9tzalz.png[/img][/centre] [centre]Day 17 / Afternoon / LVL 16[/centre] [centre][]HP[]100%[color=00a651]//////////[/color][][/centre] Indominus just shook his head and finished cleaning up the camb, packing whatever was left and throwing a party invite to the fox girl. She accepted the shiny green yes button thingy predictably. Dom frowned as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close, despite his old body he was strong with a grip like iron. His opposite hand raised the crystal and he spoke, the soft glow enveloping both of them as it built up into a glare of bright light forcing him to squint. "Teleport! Bulls Run!" In a flash they were gone ----------------- Bulls run ----------------- The glow faded away instantaneously to reveal the fur-clothed bearded fighter in his glory, released Nena to go about her devices, if she had the thought power to have any. Maybe they would set her free and she could regain a bit of her old self before whatever bootleg batshit nonsense had invaded her head. Realistically, how long could she have been in that gorge to be so off her rocker. The thought was useless and summarily discarded. Dom slapped Smart on the back and nodded, starting the long walk to the Inn. All players knew its location, having a quest giver in the town of beginnings make them do a delivery of food and drink to the tavern as a way to familiarize everyone. For once it had been worth the waste of time. Dom glanced at Smart as they approached the door and tossed him a wink. Slouching over and seeming to shrivel up ever so slightly, the proud straight back of Indominus gave way to the weak appearance of his elderly self. Practically shuffling as he 'struggled' to open the door. A quick glance found Scarlet at a far table with two men. One masked, the other a simple face, guardian pet at their ankles. Scarlets eye had been covered and the- Scarlets eye was covered?! Dom hid his shock and rage expertly as the two men made their way over, giving a slight shout to alert the table of their approach. [color=fdc68a]"Scarlett, my granddaughter, you are ok! I feared the worst."[/color] Even his voice had taken on an meeker tone. [color=fdc68a]"These must be the two men you were with." [/color] Not knowing the details of the event didn't mean he wasn't about to do something really stupid. It just meant he was willing to do it with more emphasis. The two heard the the implication that he was her grandfather, and tensed up from what could likely just be the awkwardness of the situation but he pat his hands in the air with an inviting smile to relax them and show he meant no harm. Both visibly calmed and even dropped their guard. [color=fdc68a]"I heard what you did." [/color] It was almost like a dream, a man who crouched over heavily and shuffled his feet had taken a running stride and leapt clear across the table, hands touching the wooden surface for perfect balance as both his heels slammed dead center into the masked ones chest. Now, in a safe zone you could not physically injure anyone, that was common knowledge, but little known fact was that you could still attack players barehanded. Dom used the momentum from the kick to flip back on the table into a standing position, in the same fluid motion he tilted the table and bulled forward, using its bulk to carry reaper further into a nearby wall. [color=fdc68a]"Touch MY granddaughter will you! I'll show you pain!"[/color] Doms eyes sparkled with the ghost of tears, truly believing he was protecting the purity of his last shining treasure. He growled and pushed harder on the table, hoping to prevent the masked fighter from gaining any advantage at all. Smart would have to take care of Edgar. -------------------------------- -Delcastle- -Afternoon / day 17 / LvL 12- Delcastle had returned from the shopping district with a series of items in his inventory, nothing expensive or rare, but enough to make progress. Armor had been made, a token for a weapon of choice from a reliable vendor had been crafted (It could be given to any player, allowing them to charge Delcastle VIA PM for gold on completion), and a small pouch of coin. Enough for a weeks stay at the inn with food and drink. It wasn't much but money was always going to be tight on the first floor. Very few things were going to pick up if the players as a whole did not advance to better tiers of loot and better rewards for quests. Bags in hand, Delcastle opened the door to the room he had rented for the two girls, thankfully not noticing the barfight that was just beginning downstairs, and entered without bothering to look around. Used to sharing a room with Bulwar, it was never an issue of what might be seen or not. The moment he closed the door he heard to soft moan and froze in place, only now glancing up to see the fox girl and Cinera.. exploring their options? [color=6ecff6]"I uh.. Clothes. You. You're uh.. carry on." [/color] Delcastle bowed in what could be seen as a moment of embarassment but was infact just him being polite. He had never been ashamed of his actions and misunderstandings could be explained. It was just a little strange for him to stumble into that situation so completely off guard. When they were finished, they would find him standing outside the door with a bright red face. Nobody in the Inn would ever know..