[h3]Arie Jorah & Luna Cathris -- GMG Arena Hallways[/h3] Arie hummed softly as she walked alongside Luna, her arm wrapped around the younger girl's. She had insisted that they link arms like common schoolgirls while going down to see Grant, thinking that after being all freaky-deaky over apologizing to that Amelia girl she could use someone to be close to her for a bit. [color=FF91A1]"So, how was that apology? I had decided it was twixt you and Amelia, and so excused myself afore the two of you had said much of concern,"[/color] the playful mage gave Luna's arm a little squeeze with her own, trying to get her to pull her head out of the clouds. [color=0000FF]"O-oh, uh, well... It went well,"[/color] Luna said softly before retreating back into her silence. Arie sighed, giving the more powerful mage a careful shake. She was glad Luna was too kind to just go off on her like Grant might. To be honest, Arie was only willing to be in the same room as Iron Enigma's #1 mage because Luna was going to be there too. She would at least keep him from hurting anyone while at the games. [color=FF91A1]"Sheesh Luna, you could do to behave a slight more friendly. You may be amongst your teen years, but you don't need to be so existential and brooding [i]all[/i] the time!"[/color] Arie smiled, trying to cheer the moon-girl up some. It didn't work, and she let out an exasperated sigh before giving Luna's shoulder a poke hard enough to snap her out of stupor for a moment. [color=FF91A1]"Hey, Earth to Star Girl! What has put you in such a mood that you cannot least give me a smile?"[/color] Luna shook her head, eyes downcast. [color=0000FF]"Sorry, just... Amelia... Her magic bothers me, sorry,"[/color] Luna's voice was low and weak, and she tried to pull her arm from Arie's grip. The C-class mage held firmly, and stopped, pulling Luna around to look at her. Arie was going to get to the bottom of this even if it ruined their friendship, which she doubted it would. [color=FF91A1]"What is it about the girl's magic that bothers you so?"[/color] She asked directly, holding Luna's shoulders tightly as she did, and looking into her eyes. [color=0000FF]"I-it's... That she uses d-deceased souls, it just s-seems... O-odd to me,"[/color] Luna admitted, unable to look into her friends eyes. [color=FF91A1]"We both understand that that is not all, tell me fully, with only candor, Moon."[/color] Luna's eyes became wet as she spoke again. [color=0000FF]"Her mother. The fact she can summon her mother... It... Seems wrong, n-no... It seems unfair that she gets to bring her mother along with her wherever she goes, despite her being... being..."[/color] Luna had to stop herself before her sobs made her unable to continue to speak. Arie gently huggeed the lunar mage close, holding there until her she could finish her though. [color=0000FF]"Despite her being dead, wh-while people like me... Can't ever see our m-mothers again. It's not fair... A-and then... I just... I had to..."[/color] She sobbed heavily, hugging Arie back. The older woman gently patted her back. [color=0000FF]"Stone, I-I don't want to fight her ever again."[/color] [color=FF91A1]"I understand, sweet Moon, I understand."[/color] They embraced for a long time, their initial mission forgotten. They were both glad they had each other.