[@Bright_Ops]: This RP has a large number of people, I'll agree with that, and honestly even I have a hard time keeping track of everything. The reason I can is because I've had practice, experience and know how to do it, which is my advantage. Large rps might not be a thing for everyone and that's not a bad thing in any sense, just your taste. As Dervish said, if you're not having fun it's best to bow out and take off the stress than stick around due feeling like you need to be loyal to an rp despite how you feel. You tried, that's a lot more than some people have done so you should feel proud at that. I'm sad to see you go but I think I would feel worse if you stuck around and weren't having any fun. I hope, if you're going to drop, that we can rp again some day. Dervish only had such a large number as he expected drop outs, not everyone to stick around for long as we have and so he's sort of stuck with it. :p